No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Adrift update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 July, 2024.
Fragmented Qualia
Fragmented Qualia
Category Curiosity
Type Soul Fragment
Total Value 16.0 Units
Updated Adrift

Fragmented Qualia is a curiosity.

Summary[ | ]

Fragmented Qualia is a curiosity.

Game description[ | ]

A pattern, no more than a mere waveform, etched into the surface of a tiny metallic shard. This fragment of data represents a recording of electrical impulses running across a neural network. Many fragments would be required to recreate any sensible experience.

Generated by the interaction of the Animus Beam with a living target.

Sources[ | ]

  • Extracted from living beings with the Animus Beam.

Use[ | ]


Fragmented Qualia is used as an ingredient for crafting the following products:


Fragmented Qualia is not used as an ingredient for refining using a Refiner.


Fragmented Qualia is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Additional Information[ | ]

Release History[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
