No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Galactic Gateway-LU
Galactic Gateway-LU
Galaxy Nepitzaspru
Region Hulayshe Sector
Stars 2
Colour Yellow
Spectral class F5
Distance to centre 3022 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 07FB:0086:0080:01BC
Planet(s) 4
Waterworld Yes
Gateway system Yes
Faction Korvax
Economy Nano-construction
E-Sell 73.6%
E-Buy -18.9%
Wealth Medium Supply
Conflict level Fractious
Claimed by The Luminumbra Collective
Discovered by Fonzilla12321
Game Mode Normal
Updated Waypoint

Galactic Gateway-LU is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

Galactic Gateway-LU is a star system in the Hulayshe Sector.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Rozawas-Fac
Current: Galactic Gateway-LU

Discovered[ | ]

By Xbox explorer fonzilla12321 on November 2, 2022.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Image Planet Name Type Extreme
BirkIX Birk IX Scorched NO NO
Resources: Solanium, Silver, Phosphorus, Copper Notes:
Epworton Epworton Lush NO NO
Resources: Star Bulb, Salt, Paraffinium, Copper Notes: Notes
OystonhXVII Oystonh XVII Dead NO NO
Resources: Sodium, Rusted Metal, Copper Notes: Notes
YampiaeinSigma Yamiaein Sigma Lush NO NO
Resources: Star Bulb, Cobalt, Paraffinium, Copper Notes: Notes

Location Information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]


System Location[ | ]

Space station[ | ]

The space station merchants include those for Multi-tool/Starship/Exosuit Tech, as well as the Vehicle Shop. They offer the following items for sale:

Additional Information[ | ]

Explorer Notes[ | ]

This system takes its name from its extremely close proximity to the center of the galaxy. Some say its the closest point to the center in this side of the galaxy, I am still doing research to prove these claims.

Gallery[ | ]
