No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Adrift update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 July, 2024.
This article was documented by the Galactic Hub.

Galactic Hub Defence Force

The logo of the GHDF.

The Galactic Hub Defense Force is the combined domestic police and military force for the Galactic Hub.



GHDF Patrol Ship

The Galactic Hub Defense Force (GHDF) is the combined domestic police and military force for the Galactic Hub civilization. The GHDF was formally established on May 24, 2018, in anticipation of the PVP multiplayer features announced as accompanying the NEXT update.

In the Atlas Rises update era, the GHDF served no in-game role. Instead, the GHDF strictly focused on vetting volunteers, accepting recruits, and preparation for NEXT (such as obtaining and outfitting the Riokazat S45 (the official GHDF starship in the pre-NEXT era).

During the NEXT update era, the GHDF acted as public servants and protectors of the Galactic Hub population. The GHDF occasionally acted in matters outside the Hub, such as defending other civilizations from an organized attack or responding to distress calls within United Federation of Travelers space.

The Beyond era has seen the GHDF's purpose increase in light of the improved multi-player potential. The GHDF have continued to evolve and face any issues, that have arisen. Distress calls are now handled more efficiently, and are responded to on average, in less than three minutes. The GHDF are constantly patrolling densely populated areas, such as colonies, and are always on stand by to deal with any attacks from hostile entities. The GHDF have also adopted a new fighter, as their official GHDF patrol ship, after the NEXT update modified the appearance of the Riokazat S45.

The GHDF have also assisted the community at large by patrolling the community event sites. They have been systematically identifying and targeting hostile players, that try to prevent others from completing the event.

GHDF operatives may retire at any time and return to "civilian Hub life," although higher ranks may be requested to remain in their position until a replacement can be found.

Distress Calls & Patrols

The GHDF's primary domestic responsibility is patrolling busy systems and responding to any distress calls. In the context of the GHDF, distress calls are, essentially, messages from human players saying, "Help, I'm being attacked at (coordinates)!"

Galactic Hub citizens can issue distress calls on the discord server, on the trades and services channel. The instructions on how to do so, will be on the pinned message on that channel.

GHDF Uniform

GHDF Exosuit

GHDF Exosuit

This exosuit serves as the GHDF uniform. All active officers must use this when on duty. The helmet only applies to officers of the anomaly race, any officer that plays as any of the other races (Gek, Korvax, Vy'keen or Traveller) are not required to wear it. It is the responsibility of all GHDF officers to unlock all pieces that make up this exosuit. A reasonable time frame will be given to new recruits to obtain it.

GHDF Patrol Ship

GHDF Ship 2

GHDF Patrol Ship

This all white fighter is the official patrol ship of the GHDF. All officers will be HUbered to it's location once they have achieved the rank of Senior Chief for security purposes. Officers will have to prove themselves, before they gain access to the patrol ship.

GHDF Vehicles

GHDF Vehicles

The patrol ship may be flown while off-duty and used for all regular starship purposes. It must be used while on-duty, as it serves as a uniformed vehicle.

GHDF Headquarters

The Oculus Exterior

The Oculus

The Oculus is the orbital base that serves as the Headquaters of the GHDF and is available on all platforms in an undisclosed location. It is available to all officers ranked DF-2 and above.

The Oculus Interior

Part of the Interior of the Oculus.

The Oculus contains both training facilities, as well as most buildable tech, to help keep officers prepared and stocked up for whatever scenario they may face. It also serves as a social area, for officers to both enjoy and prepare in.

Joining the GHDF

GHDF Recruitment Poster

GHDF Recruitment Poster

To join the GHDF, you must fill out the GHDF Volunteer Form.

After filling out the GHDF Volunteer Form, the Galactic Hub Council (particularly GH Founder u/7101334 & GH Head Security Officer u/MrJordanMurphy) will examine your volunteer application and, if possible, confirm your intentions, identity, and any other relevant information. This is referred to as "the vetting process." The vetting process usually takes a minimum of two weeks, however it all depends on the volume of applications.

The goal of the application process is to select potential GHDF operatives who are looking to join the force for the right reasons. It also assesses your current skill and experience in NMS. However, your skill level won't weigh heavily on whether you're accepted or not, just on how much mandatory training you receive.

GHDF Red Poster

A GHDF poster

There are a few things that you can do to increase your chances of being approved:

• Get involved in the community. The Galactic Hub is active on most social media platforms, however Reddit and Discord are the primary platforms used. You will need a discord account to participate in the GHDF. We're looking for passionate No Man Sky players.

• Sign up to the census. We are more likely to accept applicants that reside in the Galactic Hub. We do check, so please ask a member of the Galactic Hub staff if you need assistance adding yourself on.

• Gain experience. We are looking for people willing to put in the time and effort. If you're a new player it may be worth waiting until you've been a part of the community for a few months. Whilst we train players, we do want to see a commitment from applicants to learn the basics.

• Check your details. If your accounts can not be found when reviewing the application, we will have no choice but to refuse entry. Please make sure that your details are correct when filling in the application.

• Don't be discouraged. Whilst the GHDF is the largest military force in the No Man's Sky universe, it also has the most stringent vetting procedures as well. Only a small percentage of applicants are accepted, and many are not on their first attempt. Consider the points above, and if you have any questions regarding your application contact the Head Security Officer MrJordanMurphy.

Hierarchy / Rank System

The GHDF is divided into a strict hierarchy. GHDF operatives are always expected to follow the orders of a higher-ranking operative.

Only the CIC, VCC, HSO or Admirals may issue promotions. All ranks can recommend promotions for any officer at least two ranks below their own. All Ranks are abbreviated and numbered, to make identification simple and quicker.

  1. Commander-in-Chief (CIC): This rank is reserved for the leader of the Galactic Hub. The Commander-in-chief has supreme authority over the GHDF, and has final say over any military action taken by the Galactic Hub.
  2. Vice Command Chief (VCC): This rank is occupied by the Galactic Hub's second-in-command. The Vice Command Chief has the authority to use the GHDF, in any way seen fit to protect and serve the Galactic Hub. If the Commander-in-Chief is unable to fulfil his duties the Vice Command Chief has full authorisation to sanction all military actions.
  3. Head Security Officer (HSO): This role is occupied by the Galactic Hub’s head of security. The Head Security Officer is responsible for all security matters relating to the Galactic Hub, and oversees all GHDF operations. This rank will run the day-to-day operations of the GHDF, and all active ranks will be required to report and answer to, this officer. This rank serves as the intermediary between the GHDF and the VCC and CIC.
  4. Admiral [DF7]: The rank of admiral can only be appointed by the CIC, VCC or the HSO. This rank can only be achieved if someone occupying the rank retires or is removed. This rank is the highest achievable rank, without holding office as the CIC , VCC or HSO. Admirals will be required to maintain GHDF standards, by assessing gathered intelligence and assigning tasks to be carried out by the appropriate ranks. Admirals will report directly to the HSO. Each Admiral will oversee one of the platforms.
  5. Captain [DF6]: The rank of Captain is the highest rank achievable without holding a position in the Galactic Hub Council. This rank will be achieved when [DF5]'s demonstrate resourceful, and independent thinking when working on covert operations. [DF6]'s will be expected to use their time undercover to scout potential threats and feed this information back to the admirals or Head Security Officer. Whilst Captain's will be unable to authorise covert ops, they will be expected to suggest potential operations to higher ranks. Captains may also be used to specialise in an area of expertise, such as technology or scouting etc.
  6. Commander [DF5]: This rank will be achieved after [DF4]'s show an ability to quickly assess situations, and make informed decisions. [DF5] is the first rank to be able to perform covert operations. [DF5]'s will be charged with infiltrating potential hostile groups, and gathering intelligence that could prevent attacks on any federation civilisation. All missions will only be sanctioned by the rank of Admiral or higher.
  7. Lieutenant [DF4]: This rank will be achieved when [DF3]'s demonstrate a high proficiency at finding and identifying hostile groups. [DF4]'s will be tasked with engaging enemy combatants, and retaliation attacks on hostile groups (in-game). [DF4]'s can call on all lower ranks (excluding recruits) to assist on in-game operations. All operations [DF4]'s participate in, will only be authorised by admiral rank, and higher.
  8. Master Chief [DF3]: This rank will be attained once [DF2]'s have demonstrated leadership qualities. [DF3]'S will be tasked with monitoring activities of foreign hostile groups through sites such as reddit (without actively joining), and reporting back to higher ranks. Master Chief's will coordinate with [DF2]'s to search for hostile members within the GH discord. [DF3]'s will respond to domestic and allies' (other federation civilisations) calls for help.
  9. Senior Chief [DF2]: This rank will be achieved after Petty Officers have proven their dedication to assisting the Galactic Hub's members. Senior Chief's will be tasked with training new recruits, and creating exercises to develop the skills needed to perform their roles. They will also be charged with helping to answer calls for help on the discord channel, and dispatching [DF1]'s to assist as well.
  10. Petty Officer [DF1]: This is the first attainable rank in the GHDF, and is achieved once recruits have proven themselves as capable and worthy, of being Officers of the Galactic Hub. Petty Officers will be tasked with monitoring hostile group activity on the discord page, as well as answering domestic calls for assistance, by Galactic Hub residents.
  11. Recruit: Recruits do not hold a rank, and will be tested and trained. Recruits will only receive a rank if they prove themselves, during their training period, which will last approximately two weeks. They will be required to answer to all GHDF officers, however their training regiment will be overseen by SC-2 ranked officers.
  12. Reserves: Reserves do not hold a rank or have access to secure channels. An officer can request to be moved to the reserves if they no longer have time to contribute in a meaningful way. If they wish to be re-instated they can contact the [DF7] in charge of their platform or the HSO. It will then be decided what rank they would return at. Non-active officers may also be moved to the Reserves at the HSO's discretion.


GHDF Officers

GHDF officers training exercise

All new recruits are put through a rigorous training programme with senior officers, to make sure that they are able to effectively neutralise any threats.

All platforms follow the guidelines laid out in the training manual, created by the training specialists. The training deals with all areas of engagement including ship and ground combat, as well as extreme weather survival. With each update, all areas of combat are tested to make sure that the GHDF is up to date on all weapon damage stats.

The GHDF also has Tech Specialists, that continually experiment on multi-tool and ship technology. This allows the GHDF to operate with the best technology when answering distress calls. All officers are supported with advice on how to improve their equipment's potential, so that they can reach theirs.

All officers activities are monitored and logged by the personnel specialist. This allows Senior Officers to recognise the achievements and milestones reached by all new recruits. It also allows support to be given to those who may need it.

Terms of Engagement

The GHDF have 5 possible Terms of Engagement (ToE) tiers, which are applied depending on the current security climate in the Galactic Hub. Unless you have reason to believe otherwise, such as direct communication from a higher ranking operative, always assume that the GHDF is operating on the Atlas ToE.

  • Vy'keen ToE: If a threat to the Hub or its citizens is perceived/detected, destroy it immediately unless told otherwise.
  • Sentinel ToE: If a threat to the Hub or its citizens is perceived/detected, disable it (such as getting a starship to the "leaking plasma and smoking" stage). Destroy only if necessary.
  • Atlas ToE: If a threat is perceived, attempt to communicate with it. Determine intentions / de-escalate the situation. Disable and destroy only if necessary.
  • Gek ToE: If a threat is perceived, do not engage unless actual hostilities are witnessed (ie firing on another player). Attempt communication first; determine intentions / de-escalate. Disable and destroy only if necessary.
  • Korvax ToE: Engage hostile targets only in self-defense or when specifically called by a citizen.

Media Coverage

Official Media Outlets




Player-made Content

Officer Registry

If a player is not on this list, they can be assumed not to be a member of the GHDF.


Username (Reddit, etc) Playstation Network ID Rank Date of GHDF Acceptance (Year/Month/Day) Officer Number
7101334 Syn1334 [CIC] 2018/05/14 1
AndyKrycek6 AndyKrycek [VCC] 2018/05/14 2
MrJordanMurphy JordanMurphy [HSO] 2018/05/14 3
StollarS86 stolle25 / StollarS86 [DF2] 2018/06/06 4
Carpocalypto Carpocalypto RECRUIT 2018/06/06 5
VanCorc VanCorc [DF3] 2018/06/06 6
darkfusion42 Dark_fusion42 [DF3] 2018/06/06 7
verachuta verachuta [DF2] 2018/06/06 8
Mtntech Baycod9 RECRUIT 2018/06/06 10
Voidblazer Voidblazer [DF1] 2018/06/06 11
Ogreace Ogreace RECRUIT 2018/06/06 12
old_school_rpg bigdcaughman [DF6] 2019/02/15 13
TheMaffiamaster DemonsEncircled_ [DF4] 2018/06/06 14
Jimthefishes jamesb112345084 [DF3] 2018/06/06 15
BigBossMcD BigBossMcD [DF1] 2019/08/23 16
WAAM86 WAAM86 [DF2] 2018/06/06 18
SilvetSky1 SHasan119 [DF6] 2018/06/06 20
Lionheart7060 CaptainReven [DF1] 2018/06/06 21
LordBrewer89 brewer1600 RECRUIT 2019/09/11 22
DesignationG DesignationG [DF4] 2018/06/06 23
BluesAddiction stampcat [DF2] 2018/06/06 24
rwhitby rodwhitby [DF6] 2018/06/06 25
Mark4945 Mark4945 [DF3] 2018/06/06 26
seamonkey420 seamonkey420 [DF6] 2018/06/06 28
Kaboom443 Kaboom443 [DF6] 2018/06/01 29
StipularSauce77 Weird2u RECRUIT 2018/06/06 30
MiracleWhiff MiracleWhiff RECRUIT 2018/06/06 31
II-I-Hulk-I-II II-I-Hulk-I-II [DF3] 2018/06/06 33
Kaptainatomlazer reesesboyrdee RECRUIT 2019/10/18 34
A-Man54321 A-Man54321 RESERVE 2018/06/06 36
Crum013 Crum013 RECRUIT 2018/06/06 38
Chet_Chetterfield utliston78 RESERVE 2018/06/06 39
TheCosmicFang TheFang1212 RESERVE 2018/06/06 40
Hollyvalero HollyWorks [DF6] 2018/06/06 42
VexsisVon Vexsis [DF3] 2019/10/18 43
Winters97 ozzyboy97 RECRUIT 2018/06/06 45
PVBuk PVBuk RESERVE 2018/06/06 46
Visitabo JFO008 RECRUIT 2018/06/06 47
LegitN00bM00ves Ghost_Leader-3 [DF2] 2018/06/06 48
Boonedogg88#3083 Boonedogg88 [DF3] 2019/12/19 49
Kew89Play Kew89Play [DF6] 2018/06/24 50
Redsubset83#8083 Redsubset83 RECRUIT 2018/06/24 52
i02_ i02_ [DF2] 2018/06/24 53
Wookieschnitzel Wookieschnitzel [DF4] 2018/06/06 54
BaronAtlas zep1976 [DF1] 2018/06/24 60
Bperkins22 Bperkins2121 RECRUIT 2018/06/24 61
nodudesky iSHOTbambisMOMha RECRUIT 2019/06/24 63
Ajarmageddon304 Eljeffio [DF4] 2018/06/24 66
Lobstar_91 Lobstar91 RECRUIT 2018/06/24 67
Prefect4Me Prefect4Me RESERVE 2018/06/24 68
zazariins matthew71nsw / zazariins / galacticheritage [DF5] 2018/06/24 70
crazykiller001 crazykiller001 RECRUIT 2018/06/24 71
MrSllim89 MrSllim89 [DF7] 2018/06/24 72
ChromeDistrict ChromeDistrict [DF2] 2018/06/24 74
crusoejp davejp87 RESERVES 2018/06/24 76
Reever6six6 Reever6six6 [DF4] 2018/06/24 78
nmskibbles shreddedcrevice [DF6] 2018/10/08 79
KurganSPK KurganSPK [DF3] 2019/03/31 82
CommanderGan0n Comander_Gan0n [DF5] 2019/04/03 87
massivehen massivehen RECRUIT 2019/04/03 91
swampcastlenms swampcastlenms [DF6] 2019/04/03 93
iBolt iBolt RECRUIT 2019/04/03 94
jchysteria Jchysteria [DF3] 2019/04/25 96
TPHaze TPHaze12 RESERVE 2020/04/23 107
Corvus#3959 CorvusCorax_668 [DF6] 2020/05/18 112
H-Bomb2400 H-Bomb2400 [DF3] 2021/09/20 114
Crusoe CrusoeJP [DF2] 2024/02/20 117


Username (Reddit, etc) Steam ID Rank Date of GHDF Acceptance (Year/Month/Day) Officer Number
FrequentWerewolf1 comWonkru RESERVE 2018/08/31 9
IAmNobody4 IAmNobody4 RESERVE 2018/06/06 17
WAAM86 WAAM86 RESERVE 2018/06/06 18
rwhitby rwhitby [DF6] 2018/06/06 25
shenzou93 alex.shenouda [DF2] 2019/12/28 27
Kaboom443 FIBS [DF6] 2018/06/01 29
Xainesworld Xaine RESERVE 2018/06/06 35
rusynlancer Rusyn [DF6] 2018/06/06 37
Chet_Chetterfield utliston78 RESERVE 2018/06/06 39
wino_lino wino_lino RESERVE 2018/06/06 41
Air_Ford AirFord RESERVE 2020/01/08 44
xaker_v xaker_v RESERVE 2018/06/24 55
GrandAdmiralMellacus GrandAdmiralMellacus RESERVE 2018/06/24 56
liftheavy2003 liftheavy2003 RECRUIT 2021/12/31 58
Splooder1 Splooder [DF1] 2020/10/27 59
Badger#8468 Badger [DF5] 2020/03/23 64
_polemarch_ Polemarch#1824 RESERVE 2020/06/08 65
Ericojawn Erico RESERVE 2018/06/24 69
TREX [PC]#0569 TREX RESERVE 2018/06/24 73
physicalConstant AYQ RESERVE 2018/06/24 75
8bagels 8bagels RESERVE 2018/06/24 77
nmskibbles Ishkabible [DF6] 2018/10/08 79
ardyalligan ardyalligan RESERVE 2019/03/03 80
DiabolicalBlue Hattori Blade RESERVE 2019/03/11 81
KurganSPK KurganSPK [DF3] 2019/03/31 82
Luke#2316 Threal RESERVE 2019/06/01 83
AkimaPrime Jazzmine [DF4] 2019/10/18 85
Zergling924 Zergling924 RESERVE 2019/07/25 86
GnarlyTango GnarlyTango RESERVE 2019/08/03 88
wdibble Seraphim Risen [DF2] 2019/10/18 90
MaraSargon Sargon The Grape [DF6] 2019/12/28 92
CheddzyTF cheddZy RESERVE 2019/09/11 95
SelenianRanger SelenianRanger RESERVE 2019/10/18 97
Flying-Viking Flying_Viking (10164117) [DF1] 2020/01/04 103
Niskasha Niskasha RESERVE 2020/03/25 104
XA_ProgramRAM ProgramRAM RECRUIT 2020/03/25 105
SagedaDumbass Chocobo, The Destroyer [DF2] 2020/08/16 108
The_Big_J96 The_Big_J [DF1] 2020/10/27 109
xartanisx xartanisx RECRUIT 2020/12/04 110
xander47459 <RED>Xander [DF3] 2021/02/08 111
Corvus#3959 CorvusCorax_668 [DF6] 2020/05/18 112
pch13 pch13 [DF7] 2021/04/10 113
Crusoe Crusoe [DF2] 2024/02/20 117
Dopey Dopey [DF1] 2024/04/08 119


Username (Reddit, etc) XBox Live ID Rank Date of GHDF Acceptance (Year/Month/Day) Officer Number
nitak333 Dust2Dust333 RECRUIT 2020/01/10 32
rusynlancer Rusynlancer [DF6] 2018/06/06 37
VerySpicyLocusts RedReclaimer650 [DF5] 2020/07/06 57
Titter2 Titter2 [DF3] 2019/09/11 59
NewGodOfWar84 Newgodofwar84 RECRUIT 2020/04/23 62
Jormundagiir Jormundagiir RECRUIT 2019/10/18 84
Volziinos_Zahkrii Nova6842 [DF5] 2019/04/03 89
Sufferingtomb54#9918 Sufferingtomb54 RECRUIT 2019/10/18 97
BlackCatLair BlackCat#7243 [DF7] 2019/06/01 98
NBatch NBatch [DF3] 2019/08/03 99
SagedaDumbass Zerokai123 [DF2] 2019/08/03 100
Shattered_Persona Da636Hustla [DF5] 2019/08/03 101
siN-Leader blacktiger7001 RECRUIT 2019/12/19 102
LtGing LieutenantGing [DF5] 2020/03/25 106
TPHaze THE PILOT HAZE RESERVE 2020/04/23 107
SagedaDumbass Zerokai [DF2] 2020/08/16 108
Ske7ch234 Grimr0c [DF5] 2021/04/10 115
Augment Echo#0166 Augment Echo [DF2] 2021/12/31 118
NorseGod NOrs3GOd RECRUIT 2024/05/30 120