No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.
This page fills the role of Embassy for a Civilized space community. The information found here represents a user-created civilization that is a creative addition to the game.

Disambig01 This article is about the current version of Galactic Hub Hilbert. For the Atlas Rises version, see Galactic Hub Hilbert (Atlas).
Galactic Hub Hilbert
Galactic Hub Hilbert
Galaxy Hilbert Dimension
Quadrant Gamma
Region Nuwardia
Capital system HUB1-1E0 Alice
Capital planet Wonderland
Coordinates 042F:0078:0D55:01E0
Platform PC
Release Frontiers

Galactic Hub Hilbert is a Civilized Space community.

Summary[ | ]

Galactic Hub Flag

Official flag of the Galactic Hub.

The Galactic Hub Hilbert is an extension of the Galactic Hub Project, which originated in the Euclid galaxy, now expanded into the 2nd positive galaxy, the Hilbert Dimension.

Location[ | ]

The capital system has been relocated several times to match the approximate coordinates of Galactic Hub Euclid.

Pathfinder[ | ]

The original location was in the Gonyaypunin region (also in the Gamma quadrant), within the HUB-G-79 MirrorEventHorizon system. This effort was being led by pahefu, creator of the Pilgrim Star Path app and major participant in the Euclid Galactic Hub.


Atlas Rises[ | ]

Due to the original coordinates differing from the other Dimensional Galactic Hub coordinates, and for continuity, co-founders oo0oo and 8blacksheep8 assisted in relocating Galactic Hub Hilbert so that the coordinates shared those as all known Galactic Hubs. The Galactic Hub Hilbert Capital System was discovered by MeNaCiNg-MaNiAc (PSN) at an unknown date. It was located in the Ukhatig Spur.


Visions & Beyond[ | ]

On February 16, 2019, PC interloper ardyalligan discovered and established a new capital system for the Hilbert Dimension. HUB1-1E0 Alice is a booming, experimental Gek system with three beautiful planets:

  • Outland - an oceanic, desert planet with amazing pyramid-like formations
  • Marmoreal - a classic, lush planet
  • Wonderland - a bizarre chromatic fog planet with megaflora and megafauna that serves as the capital planet

(NOTE: This system is known as HUB1-1E0 Howl on PS4.)

Known Star Systems[ | ]

For a list of known systems, visit the Galactic Hub Hilbert category index (the previous link refers to the Pre-Next Galactic Hub Hilbert, and will be updated soon).

Interloper Census[ | ]

Upon reaching the Galactic Hub Hilbert, the first thing you should do is sign up for the Interloper Census, for the following reasons:

  • Gives the Galactic Hub Hilbert staff an accurate idea of the size of the civilization.
  • Allows other players to more easily locate your home base, and what game mode it's on (however, you can omit that info if you don't want a lot of visitors). Do include Hilbert as your Dimension/Galaxy choice, please.
  • Allows people to check which platform you're on (can be useful if you post something on the Subreddit, for example, and they're wondering if it's on PC or PS4).

Galactic Hub Hilbert's main website is the Galactic Hub subreddit. It is a member of the United Federation of Travelers.

Galactic Hub Hilbert was a member of the Federation until Visions.

Benefits[ | ]

  • Documentation - Clearly locate desirable ships, multitools, freighters, and technology; fascinating flora and fauna; useful resources; and much more. Contribute with the knowledge that you're part of a semi-scientific community and helping other Interlopers..
  • Multiplayer Elements - Prior to Next, Galactic Hub Hilbert was one of the best locations for multiplayer interactions. Now that the civilization has been relocated so that its coordinates align with Euclid's Hub, Galactic Hub Hilbert is again ready for multiplayer adventures, whether that means seeing and exploring with other players, player bases, Exocraft racetracks, a variety of Communications Stations, or just frequently coming across discovered systems. Community Farms allow players easy access to valuable and/or useful resources. We also will be holding various purposefully-planned multiplayer events.
  • Community - The community extends beyond the in-game multiplayer elements. Our community has created over 500 wiki pages, has 6,270+ Subreddit subscribers, a variety of resources (see "3rd Party Tools" section), and even a Redbubble shop for Galactic Hub merchandise. More importantly than just the features, the Galactic Hub community are friendly, often very experienced Interlopers. We ask that new players do some basic research, but we're always willing to help anyone who needs it.

Naming Convention[ | ]

Galactic Hub Hilbert uses specific naming guidelines in-game. Names created using these guidelines mark the system as Galactic Hub Hilbert space, and can share a variety of important information in a small number of characters. Such names can be very useful to other Interlopers.

See Galactic Hub Naming Guidelines.

Regions Occupied[ | ]

Galactic Hub Hilbert officially occupies the following 11 regions.

Also see How to Convert Primary Hub Tags to Coordinates / Portal Addresses.

HUB # Region Name Coordinates Glyphs
1 Nuwardia 042F:0078:0D55:0000 0001F9556C300001F9556C30
2 The Arm of Orphaea 042F:0078:0D54:0000 0001F9555C300001F9555C30
3 Oulvill 0430:0078:0D54:0000 0001F9555C310001F9555C31
4 Sea of Femanau 0430:0078:0D55:0000 0001F9556C310001F9556C31
5 Logalurug Expanse 0430:0078:0D56:0000 0001F9557C310001F9557C31
6 Doikawis 042F:0078:0D56:0000 0001F9557C300001F9557C30
7 Ijortu Spur 042E:0078:0D56:0000 0001F9557C2F0001F9557C2F
8 Bayores Shallows 042E:0078:0D55:0000 0001F9556C2F0001F9556C2F
9 Meveldrun Expanse 042E:0078:0D54:0000 0001F9555C2F0001F9555C2F
10 Kossiza 042F:0079:0D55:0000 0001FA556C300001FA556C30
11 Lorishup 042F:0077:0D55:0000 0001F8556C300001F8556C30

Navigating to & Living in the Galactic Hub[ | ]

See Interloper's Handbook - Guide to the Galactic Hub for a guide on how to reach the Hub, how to contribute to the Hub, customs of Hub life, and more.

Player Bases[ | ]

There are many player bases, farms, and depots across GH Hilbert space.

On each of the following index pages, the in formation is sorted into sections, first by Platform, and then by category (Non-Farm, Farm, Depot). Each table is then sorted into blocks; there are 1-4 blocks, which are the Game Mode they reside in (Normal, Creative, Survival, Permadeath). Each Category has it's own sorting method within the blocks.

Members[ | ]

Name Platform Galaxy Difficulty Reddit name Friend code
<RED> Xander PC Euclid/Hilbert Normal REDXander2
Bestlegend PC/PS4 Euclid/Hilbert Normal
TP4AU Xbox 1 Euclid/Hilbert Normal
hugabro Xbox Euclid/Hilbert Normal hugabro J3SP-7HVH-27DSA

Third Party Tools / Related Websites[ | ]

  • Pilgrim Star Path can help players reach the Galactic Hub. (NOTE: Pilgrim Star Path will display the "old" location of the Hub until August 20th.)
  • GH Discord allows Hub players to easily chat in a less "structured" environment than the Subreddit.