No Man's Sky Wiki
Gamma Root
Gamma Root
Category Flora
Type Harvested Agricultural Substance
Rarity Rare
Blueprint Value 16 Units
Used for Building, Crafting
Symbol Gr
Updated WorldsTwo

Gamma Root is a resource.

Summary[ | ]

Gamma Root (Gr) is a resource and one of the Harvested Agricultural Substance flora elements.

Game Description[ | ]

A strange substance that seems to slowly shift the air around it. It is found in the roots of the Gamma Weed plant.

Gamma Weed requires high background radiation to thrive in the wild, but can be farmed in all environments with the aid of a Hydroponics Tray.

Source[ | ]

NmsResource GammaRoot Wild

Collecting Gamma Root in the wild

This element can be harvested from wild plants, but requires the use of Haz-Mat Gauntlet.

With assistance from a Farmer, it can also be grown as a product of the Gamma Weed plant, yielding 50 with a harvest time of 4 hours.

Gamma Root can be refined using a Refiner with the following ingredients:

  • SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root ×1  +  SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×1  →  SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root ×2  ("Organic Expansion", 0.36 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×2  +  SUBSTANCE.AIR.1 Oxygen ×1  →  SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root ×1  ("Encourage Growth", 0.36 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×1  +  GAS.2 Radon ×1  →  SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root ×1  ("Encourage Growth", 0.24 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×1  +  Gas.4 Methane ×1  →  SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root ×1  ("Organic Expansion", 0.36 sec./unit output)

Use[ | ]


Gamma Root is used as an ingredient for crafting the following products:


Gamma Root is used as an ingredient for refining the following products using a Refiner:

  • SUBSTANCE.FUEL.1 Carbon  --  Gamma Root x1  →  SUBSTANCE.FUEL.1 Carbon x2  ("Burn Plantlife", 0.12 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root  --  Gamma Root x1  +  Uranium x1  →  SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root x2  ("Organic Expansion", 0.36 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.AIR.1 Oxygen  --  Gamma Root x1  +  Kelp Sac x1  +  Condensed Carbon x1  →  SUBSTANCE.AIR.1 Oxygen x10  ("Artificial Photosynthesis", 3.6 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium  --  Gamma Root x2  +  Salt x1  →  SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium x1  ("Floral Titration", 0.36 sec./unit output)


Gamma Root is used as an ingredient for cooking the following products using a Nutrient Processor:

Fishing Bait[ | ]

When applied as bait, Gamma Root gives the following bonus towards your next catch:

  • Catch Rarity Improvement: 6%
  • Catch Size Improvement: 2%

Additional Information[ | ]

Release History[ | ]

  • Foundation - Added as a resource.
  • Atlas Rises - Renamed from Candensium (Cn) to Gamma Root. Value changed, previously it was worth 171.9 Units each.
  • NEXT - It can be crafted, refined or grown.
  • Visions - Hidden changes: The information panel has an additional icon indicating its purpose.
  • Waypoint - The Optical Drill no longer increases the harvest yield.
  • Aquarius - Added fishing bait bonuses.

Gallery[ | ]

Videos[ | ]
