No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NextGen update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 February, 2021.

Garden Worlds are a specialized class of planet or moon.

Summary[ | ]

Garden Worlds are a specialized class of planet or moon that meet the following requirements. These requirements are defined by The Arcadia Project. For questions regarding garden worlds please contact Axiom1380.

To be classed as a garden world different factors of a planet / moon must be looked at, in the order listed below. If a planet/moon falls into this class, the "garden" parm should be used in the Planet infobox with a value of Yes.

Factor 1 - Weather / Environment[ | ]

This factor can be broken up into two sections.

  • Firstly, what biome a planet / moon has must be determined. Worlds that do not fit the acceptable parameters should not be considered for Garden World status. The following table lists each biome and shows how they are classed.
Aeon-Tor Surface

Aeon-Tor, a Garden World with a Frozen biome

Acceptable Undecided Not Acceptable
Feumainer Surface2

Feumainer, A garden world with a Lush biome

As shown above, Lush and Frozen biomes are currently the types that can be considered to be classed a Garden World. Lush environments are ideal for outposts as farming would be ideal on these worlds. Frozen environments are also considered because while some species of flora may struggle with the cold these worlds are abundant with liquid / frozen water, and therefore can support other outposts or colonies where water is scarce.

Currently the only undecided biomes are the Barren desert, and the Mega Exotic worlds. For the deserts, while colonies and outposts could be set up on these world this biome is usually a harder places to live due to lack of water and the struggle it takes to farm plants. The definition for Mega Exotic worlds is however far more difficult. While some Mega Exotic worlds do contain the parameters to potentially be classed as a Garden World, due to the high variation in the biomes on these world they stay undecided. Marshes having a lush variant have shown the potential for being listed as Garden Worlds, however they will stay classed as undecided until confirmation from The Arcadia Project.

  • Once a worlds biome has been determined the weather needs to be considered.

Lush planets / moons can be battered by extreme storms and still be classified as a Garden World, these worlds are ideal for colonization. Frozen worlds however have additional restrictions placed upon them. Unlike Lush worlds if the environmental hazard information for a Frozen world is dangerously red then the world is no longer considered for Garden World status, as the danger is too great.

Factor 2 - Sentinel Activity[ | ]

Wunaxx Surface4

A sentinel patrolling Wunaxx, a lush Garden World

  • Sentinel drones can be found all across the universe. While some worlds have many of them, some have very little. The level of sentinel activity on a world must be looked at in order to ensure the safety of those who choose to live on a potential Garden World.

In order for a planet / moon to pass this section the sentinels on that world must not be aggressive. Worlds where the sentinels are classed as 'High Security', 'Frenzied' or 'Hostile' are therefore not granted classification.

Factor 3 - Flora & Fauna[ | ]

Tuovii Surface1

Tuovii, a Garden World rich in native flora.

  • The third and final factor in the classification of Garden Worlds is the level of flora and fauna native to the planet / moon.

When looking at this factor the most important of the two is the level of flora. A planet or moon cannot receive garden world status unless it has flora in some capacity, however planets or moons with low levels can still be rejected. Lush biomes where the weather is ideal can still be rejected if there is no native plant life.

Fauna on the other hand is not as important to the classification of worlds. If a planet / moon has no native animal species the world can still achieve Garden World status if all other parameters are met. However if a world has native species of fauna it will boost the status of a world greatly.
