No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Prisms update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
Type Region
Description Placeholder for a missing region name
Updated Prisms

??????? is a placeholder for a missing region name.

Summary[ | ]

??????? appears on the Exploration Guide for a Phantom star star system that is located in a region with invalid coordinates for the simulation. These regions occur in the galaxy center region coordinates as well as extreme edges of the coordinate system in each galaxy. Systems in such regions are inaccessible by normal means, as they can only be accessed using phantom star access methods. The region designator of ??????? is only visible in the system exploration guide screen as the Galactic Map will often not show correctly (or sometimes crash the game) when accessed while in space in these regions.

The unofficial terminology used for these regions is GLITCHED among phantom star explorers.

Known ??????? Region Coordinates[ | ]

  • 0000:0000:0000:0000
  • 07FE:007E:07FE:0000
  • 07FE:007E:07FE:0FFF

Additional Information[ | ]

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