No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NextGen update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 February, 2021.
Glowing Mineral
Glowing Mineral
Category Curiosity
Type Mineral Deposit
Total Value 3,280,0 Units
Updated NextGen

Glowing Mineral is a curiosity.

Summary[ | ]

Glowing Mineral is a curiosity and it is worth 3,280 Units each. It has the same icon as Chloride Lattice.

Game description[ | ]

Though its surface is dirtied and dull, polishing this rock reveals a deep inner glow, a glitter beneath a subtly iridescent surface.

Select the inventory (Tab) and crack open with (E).

Source[ | ]

One piece each can be harvested from Floating Crystals and from underground Buried Mineral Formations.

Use[ | ]

After analyzing, Glowing Mineral can be converted into one of the following high-value mineral item:

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
