No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Galaxy Nepitzaspru
Region Hulayshe Sector
Colour Red
Spectral class M5pf
Distance to centre 13 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 07FB:0086:0800:01B9
Planet(s) 4
Moon(s) 3
Waterworld Yes
Faction None
Economy Data Unavailable
E-Sell 40.8%
E-Buy -25.7%
Wealth Data Unavailable
Conflict level Data Unavailable
Claimed by The Luminumbra Collective
Discovered by fonzilla12321
Game Mode Normal
Updated Waypoint

Gru is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

Gro-LU is a star system in the Hulayshe Sector.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Isshij-Gro
Current: Gro-LU

Discovery[ | ]

By PS explorer Fonzilla12321 on November 10, 2022.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet Image Planet Name Type Extreme
Resources: Silver. Phosphorus, Cadmium Notes: Maelu II is one of the moons of Xomouth Dawak.
Mapiusalp Mapiusalp Scorched YES NO
Resources: Salvageable Scrap, Solanium, Magnetised Ferrite, Phosophorus, Activated Cadmium Notes: Notes
UblistanXI Ublistan XI Toxic NO NO
Resources: Fungal Mould, Cobalt, Ammonia, Cadmium Notes: Notes
Ukhumi Ukhumi Anomalous NO NO
Resources: Sodium, Gold, Cadmium Notes: This planet is home to R. Purphajea and U. Ethooctia, biomechanical lifeforms.
XomouthDawak Xomouth Dawak Dead NO YES
Resources: Ancient Bones, Sodium, Rusted Metal, Cadmium Notes: Xomouth Dawak has two moons, Maelu II and Yetcham.
Yetcham Yetcham Irradiated YES NO
Resources: Gamma Root, Sodium, Uranium, Activated Cadmium Notes: Yetcham is one of Xomouth Dawak's moons.

Location Information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]


System Location[ | ]

Space Station[ | ]

This system has no space station.

Additional Information[ | ]

Explorer Notes[ | ]

I visited this system some months after its initial discovery. Its proximity to the galactic center and the red star of this system may have contributed to the higher number of exotic worlds here. The mechanical fauna species I found on Ukhumi in particular were very intriguing and downright friendly.

Therealmortaine (talk) 20:22, 9 January 2023 (UTC)

Gallery[ | ]
