No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Pathfinder update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 August, 2017.
HUB-G-118 Radar Rat Race
HUB-G-118 Radar Rat Race
Galaxy Euclid
Region Husfeleavez Boundary
Colour Yellow
Spectral class G8f
Distance to centre 166,559.1 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 046A:0080:0D6D:011B
Planet(s) 4
Moon(s) 0
Discovered by tragedyfish
Discovery platform PS4
Game Mode Normal
Updated Pathfinder

HUB-G-118 Radar Rat Race is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

HUB-G-118 Radar Rat Race is a star system in the Husfeleavez Boundary.

It is located at the very top of the Husfeleavez Boundary where it shares a border with the Eapustafiges Adjunct. On PS4 in Normal mode the planet Red Death contains the home base of tragedyfish, which has a racetrack available to use.

The system is named after the game "Radar Rat Race" for the Commodore VIC-20.

Alias Names[ | ]

Pathfinder: HUB-G-118 Radar Rat Race

Discovery[ | ]

Discovered by PS4 explorer tragedyfish.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

This star system contains 4 planets:

Lifeforms[ | ]


Nearby Systems[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Hub Management System Info[ | ]

  • Distance to Center: 166559.1
  • Distance to SouthernLight: 409.6
  • Distance to Rentocniijik Expanse Black Hole: 484.8
  • Distance to FistOfTheNorth: 538.2

External links[ | ]

Galactic Hub Emblem small

This page is part of the Galactic Hub

Galactic Hub Project subreddit


Galactic Hub Interloper Handbook

Navigator[ | ]
