No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Living Ship update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 6 April, 2020.

This article was catalogued by the Galactic Hub.

HUB10-6A Icarus Sun
HUB10-6A Icarus Sun
Galaxy Euclid
Region Savenix Instability
Colour Yellow
Spectral class F5f
Distance to centre 671,548 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 042F:0079:0D55:006A
System ID 106
Planet(s) 6
Moon(s) 0
Waterworld Yes
Faction Gek
Economy Experimental
E-Sell 69.9%
E-Buy -18.6%
Wealth Medium Supply
Conflict level Alarming
Claimed by Galactic Hub Project
Discovered by MrKlei aka rwhitby
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Updated Living Ship

HUB10-6A Icarus Sun is a star system.

Summary[ | ]

HUB10-6A Icarus Sun is a star system in the No Man's Sky universe. It is home to Eniwa 34/L6 (PC) aka New Lennon, the capital planet of the current Galactic Hub Project in the PC domain.

Alias Names[ | ]

Original: Omutsuji XVII
PC Legacy HUB10-6A Icarus Sun
Xbox Legacy Omutsuji XVII
Current: HUB10-6A Quetzalcoatl's Sun

Discovery[ | ]

By PC explorer MrKlei aka rwhitby in August 2018.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Note: Due to the large amount of construction in this system, some players may experience apparent variation in naming, and original names may appear instead of the uploaded names. Both names are provided in the table below where possible. If the player has the ability to reupload a name, please use one of those specified for each planet below.

Planet Image Planet Name Type Extreme
New Lennon Planet 1 Eniwa 34/L6 (PC)/
New Lennon (PC)
Lush NO (Ext. Weather) NO (Ext. Sentinels)
Sb, Na, Pf, Cu 100% Zoology Bonus:
Notes: New Lennon is a lush and beautiful world replete with many species of flora and fauna.

As the capital planet of the current Galactic Hub, it is also one of the highest-populated planets in the Euclid galaxy.

Starr 2 Orgete Aioik Toxic NO (Ext. Weather) NO (Ext. Sentinels)
Ml, Ag, NH3, Cu 100% Zoology Bonus:
Notes: This is the planet closest to the Space Station in the system. It is a toxic planet with several wide oceans and interconnected island continents. It is the third largest planet in the system. Salvageable Scrap
Hendrix 2 Cruces Ubung /
Barren YES (Ext. Weather) NO (Ext. Sentinels)
Cc, NaCl, Py, Cu+ 100% Zoology Bonus:
Notes: Notes
Harrison 1 Harrison (PC) Scorched NO (Ext. Weather) NO (Ext. Sentinels)
So, Co, P, Cu 100% Zoology Bonus:
Notes: Notes
Dylan - VB Tavis Dead NO (Ext. Weather) NO (Ext. Sentinels)
Na, Jn, Cu 100% Zoology Bonus:
Notes: Notes
McCartney - VB Boso 91/X3 / Clatterbonie Toxic NO (Ext. Weather) NO (Ext. Sentinels)
Ml, Fe++, NH3, Cu 100% Zoology Bonus:
Notes: Notes

Location Information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Portal Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]

20200319214902 1

System Location[ | ]

Starships[ | ]

Name Type Class Slots Tech Cargo System Game release
Isshid's Deadly Singer Exotic S 17 5 HUB10-6A Icarus Sun Living Ship
The Relentless Laksarac Frigate C HUB10-6A Quetzalcoatl's Sun Interceptor

Multi-Tools[ | ]

Name Type MT class Slots System Game release
Theoretical Mass Probe Pistol A 10 HUB10-6A Icarus Sun Living Ship

Space Station[ | ]

The space station merchants offer the following items for sale (as of Living Ship update):

Multi-tool Technology Merchant[ | ]

Class A 10 slot Theoretical Mass Probe Multi-tool pistol.

Starship Technology Merchant[ | ]

Exosuit Technology Merchant[ | ]

Vehicle Shop Merchant[ | ]

Additional Information[ | ]

1-InExCor HUB10-6A:Eniwa-Garden Portal base is located on Eniwa 34/L6. Many other players' bases are also located in this system.

Documentation for this system was updated on 11-Apr-2020 using site surveys by InExCor on Mar 19-20, 2020; and CELAB Galactic Industries on 23-Mar-2020 and 10-Apr-2020.

Gallery[ | ]

External Links[ | ]

Galactic Hub Emblem small

This page is part of the Galactic Hub

Galactic Hub Project subreddit


Galactic Hub Interloper Handbook

Navigator[ | ]
