No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Desolation update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 22 September, 2020.
Handful of Cogs
Handful of Cogs
Category Tradeable
Type Starship Subcomponent
Total Value 10,000.0 Units
Updated Desolation

Handful of Cogs is a tradeable item.

Summary[ | ]

Handful of Cogs is a tradeable item useful only for scrap.

Game description[ | ]

A valuable piece of broken down starship, created by a Starship Outfitting Terminal at a Space Station.

Component is useful only as scrap to be sold at a Trade Terminal.

Source[ | ]

Created by a Starship Outfitting Terminal at a Space Station when the player chooses "Claim Scrap" menu option to salvage their starship into Units.

Usage[ | ]

Component is useful only as scrap to be sold at a Trade Terminal.

It is not usable by the player in Crafting or Base building.

Additional information[ | ]
