No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020.
Helian Fields
Helian Fields
Galaxy Euclid
Region Nusophr
Star system Jangka (HCIS)
Planet Bata 67/I1
Builder intothedoor
Builder platform PS4
Claimed by GenBra Space Corp
Galactic coords 01BB:007D:05AB:0093
Portalglyphs 0093FEDAC9BC0093FEDAC9BC
Game mode Normal
Updated ExoMech
Farm Geobay
Yes Yes
Landing pad Arena
Yes No
Trade terminal Racetrack
Yes No

Helian Fields is a player base.

Summary[ | ]

Helian Fields is a player base, located on the planet Bata 67/I1 in the Jangka (HCIS) system.

Built in the honor of the Xbox civilization Helios Confederation of Independent Systems, documented and maintained by GenBra Space Corp.

Layout[ | ]

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Honoring the HCIS

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The Fields

This is a large field farm created to supply the region with enough Fungal Mould to build all the Liquid Explosives a civilization would need. Of course, this is decent money for a simple tier two crafted item. The farm does have hazardous storms frequently so proper protection is mandatory, but not unmanageable. Breaks in the storms provide a beautiful landscape for a fungal planet. This is a wonderful Uncharted system which several species of Butterflies discovered, a fine adventure for anyone.

Features[ | ]

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Sell crafted products in the main base building

This is a large farm which includes several glass domes filled with crops, the Fungal Mould is grown on the ground over a large area. Farming this crop can take a while, set aside at least half of in-game day to complete the harvest and product crafting. Additionally the base has it own Galactic Trade Terminal, Landing Pad, a Geobays for a Roamer, Nomad, and Minotaur. Behind the base a mysterious cave has been located, there is a short distance teleporter available to beam there instantly.

Farm Yield:


Location information[ | ]

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There are many storms on this planet... stay hydrated my friends!

Coordinates[ | ]


Portal Glyphs[ | ]


Additional information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]


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