No Man's Sky Wiki
Honey Waffle
Honey Waffle
Category Consumable
Type Edible Product
Total Value 38,000 Units
Updated WorldsTwo

Honey Waffle is a consumable.

Summary[ | ]

Honey Waffle is a consumable and one of the Edible Products.

Game Description[ | ]

A well-baked biscuit, created in the Nutrient Processor.

What was once a thin sheet of vaguely-sweetend nutrient paste has been elevated with the addition of carefully-chosen ingredients.

Flavour profile: balanced, juicy, bracing.
Recipe Complexity: 62%

Source[ | ]

Honey Waffle can be cooked using a Nutrient Processor with the following ingredients:

Recipes[ | ]

Honey Waffle is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Fishing Bait[ | ]

When applied as bait, Honey Waffle gives the following bonus towards your next catch:

  • Catch Rarity Improvement: 39%
  • Catch Size Improvement: 1%

Additional Information[ | ]

Restores 25% hazard protection once consumed.

Release History[ | ]

  • Omega - Added as a consumable.
  • Aquarius - Added fishing bait bonuses.

Gallery[ | ]
