No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Outlaws update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 19 July, 2022.
Horizon Omega
Horizon Omega
Type Fighter
Class C
Inventory Small
Slots 16
Release Release
Class C Bonus
Damage Shield Warp Maneuver
+0% +0% +0%

Horizon Omega is a starship.

Summary[ | ]

Horizon Omega is an exclusive starship for players who pre-ordered No Man's Sky on PC prior to initial game release. To claim the ship, go into the Options menu and under Extras select Redeem Bonus Content.

If you didn't pre-order No Mans Sky you can still get it though save editors.

Seed: 0xC4C9C1AABCA59FE6

Description[ | ]

Kickstart your adventure in No Man's Sky's vast, mysterious universe with the Horizon Omega starship, equipped with an upgraded hyperdrive and increased firepower to help you travel faster and survive longer on your interstellar journey.

Default loadout[ | ]

The Horizon Omega starship has 16 inventory slots and comes equipped with the following technology:

Players can only redeem this ship after playing part of the tutorial. It replaces the default Rasamama. With the Horizon Omega players have a quicker start due to the presence of the Hyperdrive and Phase Beam technologies that are not present with the default ship. However, players will still need to repair the Launch Thrusters and Pulse Engine before taking off.

See also[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • NEXT - ships of this style are now called Nojose's Crystal Folly. The ship type however is still named Horizon Omega during the redemption.
  • Outlaws - ships of this style are now called Prime Vector. The ship type however is still named Horizon Omega during the redemption.