No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Singularity update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 23 August, 2023.
Hyperdrive Upgrade
Hyperdrive Upgrade
Category Starship - Hyperdrive
Type Generated Upgrade
Updated Singularity
Disambig01 This article is about the procedural upgrades. For the core technology, see Hyperdrive.

Hyperdrive Upgrade is a starship upgrade.

Summary[ | ]

Hyperdrive Upgrades, contained within Hyperdrive Modules, are upgrades granting bonuses to the Hyperdrive of a Starship.

Upgrade Properties[ | ]

Hyperdrive Upgrades grant variable magnitudes of the following bonus based on their class:

  • Hyperdrive Range: Increases the maximum distance of a hyperjump by a fixed amount.

A-class and S-class Hyperdrive Upgrades also grant +100% of the following bonus:

  • Warp Cell Efficiency: Increases the fuel range of the ship by 100% each.
    • It has a stacking effect: 1 = 50% fuel cost / 2 = 33% fuel cost / 3 = 25% fuel cost (5% per jump!)
Module Name Stats Drawn Module Improves C Class B Class A Class S Class X Class
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

A/S 2

X 1-2

Warp Cell Efficiency n/a n/a 100 100 100
Hyperdrive Range 50 100 115 165 165 220 220 265 50 320

Up to three Hyperdrive Upgrades can be installed in the Starship --- installing four or more upgrades will disable all upgrades of that type until the upgrade count is reduced to three or less.

Crafting[ | ]

Hyperdrive Upgrades can only be obtained from opening Hyperdrive Modules.

Hyperdrive Upgrade can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Hyperdrive Upgrade can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Installing[ | ]

Upgrade modules follow a static progression. The generation seed is used for all module families at the same time. During module installations it goes up by one. The new module they change into correlates to their order of installation. If the game is reloaded, the exact same pool will be offered to the player, no matter the order they install other modules.

Example: If an S-class module had 200 ly Hyperdrive Range bonus on the third installation no matter in what order the former modules are installed or their class, if the same S-class module is used third again, it will once again be the 200 ly bonus module even if the name changes. Only if used second or fourth the module stat may change.

Discovered Upgrade Modules[ | ]

S Class Hyperdrive Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Hyperdrive Range (ly) Warp Cell Efficiency Screenshot
Flawless Reality Destabiliser 242 +100% Link
Flawless Reality Destabiliser 249 +100% Link
Flawless Superluminal Drive 242 +100% Link
Flawless Vacuum Drive 207 +100% Link
Flawless Antimatter Injector 207 +100% Link
Glorious Frame Drag Limiter 235 +100% Link
Glorious Relativity Shield 200 +100% Link
Glorious Relativity Shield 240 +100% Link
Glorious Superluminal Drive 202 +100% Link
Glorious Warp Core 236 +100% Link
Glorious Warp Core 239 +100% Link
Harmonic Frame Drag Limiter 248 +100% Link
Harmonic Reality Destabiliser 250 +100% Link
Hypersonic Antimatter Injector 200 +100% Link
Hypersonic Antimatter Injector 208 +100% Link
Hypersonic Antimatter Injector 246 +100% Link
Hypersonic Frame Drag Limiter 241 +100% Link
Hypersonic Frame Drag Limiter 242 +100% Link
Hypersonic Frame Drag Limiter 245 +100% Link
Hypersonic Frame Drag Limiter 247 +100% Link
Hypersonic Reality Destabiliser 248 +100% Link
Supercharged Antimatter Injector 249 +100% Link
Supercharged Reality Destabiliser 240 +100% Link
Supercharged Superluminal Drive 200 +100% Link
A Class Hyperdrive Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Hyperdrive Range (ly) Warp Cell Efficiency Screenshot
Solid State Reality Destabiliser 160 +100% Link
Solid State Frame Drag Limiter 155 +100% Link
B Class Hyperdrive Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Hyperdrive Range (ly) Warp Cell Efficiency Screenshot
Rewired Superluminal Drive 132 - Link
C Class Hyperdrive Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Hyperdrive Range (ly) Warp Cell Efficiency Screenshot
X Class Hyperdrive Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Hyperdrive Range (ly) Warp Cell Efficiency Screenshot/ID
Modified Heated Superluminal Drive 320 +100% 83080
Smuggled Heated Causality Isolator - +100% Link
Black Market Rewired Reality Destabiliser 302 +100% 52542
Risky Stabilised Relativity Shield 308 +100% 44574
Banned Rewired Vacuum Drive 311 +100% 77520
Counterfeit Heated Distance Polariser 314 +100% 23749

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Upgrade bonuses trigger for Hyperdrive Upgrades if they are adjacent to Hyperdrive or each other, increasing their Hyperdrive Range bonuses above listed values. Installing Cadmium Drive, Emeril Drive, and Indium Drive as well as the Emergency Warp Unit adjacent to other Hyperdrive Upgrades also increases Hyperdrive Range bonuses.
  • At the maximum three upgrades, a Hyperdrive can get 2,200 [S] - 2,500 [X] ly and ten jumps/warp cell

Gallery[ | ]
