No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Atlas Rises update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 23 July, 2018.

The subject of this article is from a previous version of No Man's Sky and is now considered obsolete.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorised.

Isotope elements are one of the five divisions of the periodic table in No Man's Sky

Summary[ | ]


Carbon, one of the Isotope family

Isotope elements are commonly used to fuel or recharge various technologies in No Man's Sky. These technologies include: ships, weapons, personal shields, mining equipment, and especially hyperdrives.

When not being used as a fuel source, they can be combined with other elements for crafting.

All elements in the Isotope family have an icon with a red background when shown in the player's inventory, or on the No Man's Sky periodic table.

When a scan is taken of an area, locations with Isotope elements are tagged with a red diamond-shaped icon with a white lightning bolt in the centre (view sample).

Mining[ | ]

Isotope elements are found in a wide range of locations from Carbon in trees, plants, and other vegetation, to Thamium9 on asteroids.

Members[ | ]

Known members of the Isotope elements family are Carbon (C), Thamium9 (Th), and Plutonium (Pu).

Icon Element Rarity Description Base value  units
SUBSTANCE.FUEL.1 Carbon Common Carbon is an important and abundant element used to recharge weaponry, mining equipment, and exosuit life support. Found in planetary trees, plants and other vegetation. 7.0
Substance.fuel.uncommon1 Thamium9 Uncommon Powerful element used to charge mining equipment, weaponry and life support systems. Also used in the creation of products and experimental tech devices. Found in red flowering vegetation and planetary flora. 21.0
Substance.fuel.rare1 Plutonium Rare Extremely powerful element that can be used to charge weaponry, mining equipment and exosuit power packs. A vital ingredient in the creation of many advanced technologies, components, and products. Found in red crystalline structures, and often within planetary cave networks. 41.0

Additional information[ | ]

Formerly known as fuel elements, the icons originally included a chemistry flask in the upper left-hand corner.

Gallery[ | ]
