No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020.
Jangka (HCIS)
Jangka (HCIS)
Galaxy Euclid
Region Nusophr
Colour Red
Spectral class K6
Distance to centre 684,498 light‑years
Galactic coordinates 01BB:007D:05AB:0093
Planet(s) 4
Moon(s) 2
Waterworld Yes
Faction Uncharted
E-Sell 79.5%
E-Buy -24.4%
Claimed by Helios Confederation of Independent Systems
Discovered by intothedoor
Discovery platform PS4
Game Mode Normal
Updated ExoMech

Jangka (HCIS) is a star system in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Jangka (HCIS) is a star system in the No Man's Sky universe.

This system is claimed in honor of the Xbox group Helios Confederation of Independent Systems, documented and maintained by GenBra Space Corp.

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Jangka
PC Current: Jangka (PC)
PS4 Current: Jangka (HCIS)
Xbox Current: Jangka

Discovered[ | ]

By PS4 explorer intothedoor May 2020.

Planets & Moons[ | ]

Planet View Surface View Planet Name Type Weather Sentinels Flora Fauna
No Man's Sky 20200519044803 No Man's Sky 20200519045014 Ruvand XVIII Contaminated Planet EXTREME
Extreme Thermonuclear Fog
Remote Frequent Fair
Gamma Root, Cadmium, Uranium, Sodium
Zoology: 0/16 Notes: This planet has two moons.
No Man's Sky 20200519050821 No Man's Sky 20200519051241 Kaylair Desolate Moon Peaceful Minimal Not Present Lacking
Cadmium, Rusted Metal
No Zoology Notes: Moon of Ruvand XVIII.
No Man's Sky 20200519045205 No Man's Sky 20200519045935 Teyninki R35 Hyperbprean Planet EXTREME
Icy/Raging Snowstorms
Ever-present Rich Fair
Frost Crystal, Silver, Dioxite, Activated Cadmium
Zoology: 0/8 Notes: Butterflies discovered on this moon; a moon of Ruvand XVIII.
No Man's Sky 20200519044248 No Man's Sky 20200519044435 Shorn Minor Hexagonal Planet Internal Rain Frequent Copious Medium
Cadmium, Gold, Magnetized Ferrite
Zoology: 0/1 Notes:
No Man's Sky 20200519052305 No Man's Sky 20200519052424 Bata 67/I1 Miasmatic Planet Lethal Atmosphere Require Obedience High Typical
Fungal Mould, Cadmium, Ammonia, Magnetized Ferrite
Zoology: 0/11 Notes: Butterflies discovered on this planet.
No Man's Sky 20200519051610 No Man's Sky 20200519051924 Eworskew Major Hexagonal Planet Indetectable Burning Frequent Abundant Average
Cadmium, Gold, Cobalt
Zoology: 0/1 Notes:

Location information[ | ]

Coordinates[ | ]


Portal Glyphs[ | ]


Navigation Images[ | ]

Space station[ | ]

Additional information[ | ]

No Man's Sky 20200526015721

Helian Fields forever

  • There is a player base in this system on the PS4 platform, on planet Bata 67/I1; Helian Fields, an Explosive Farm with hundreds of Fungal Mould planets grown in a field.

Gallery[ | ]

Discovery Info[ | ]


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