No Man's Sky Wiki
Kicooi journal entry for 2022/01/04
Subject: Stargate Initiative
Location: Euclid Galaxy


I have decided to start mapping Regions within the Euclid Galaxy using the Portal coordinate system as a reference. I will be starting with this glyph sequence:

000100000001000100000001 - Invalid address

000100000008000100000008 - Rugalt Anomaly

000100000009000100000009 - The Arm of Gedungk

00010000000A00010000000A - Tecuillu Nebula

00010000000B00010000000B - Jatolab

00010000000C00010000000C - Dachie Fringe

00010000000D00010000000D - Outeri Quadrant

00010000000E00010000000E - Nufrie Anomaly

00010000000F00010000000F - Duckjeaex Conflux

000100000010000100000010 - Ozhdes

000100000011000100000011 - Upenker Band

Each region seems to be one behind the other, with the Rugalt Anomaly being closest to the galactic center. Next, I plan to attempt to determine portal coordinates for regions alongside the Rugalt Anomaly that border the galactic core.
