No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020.
This planetary article was catalogued by the Grand Conjunction of Aligned Systems.

Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr
Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr
Galaxy Euclid
Region Gwriginni Conflux
Star system Isaz ei'Folr
Biome Frozen - Icebound
Weather Freezing
Resources Fc, Cu, CO2, Ag
Sentinels Frequent
Flora Bountiful
Fauna Ample
Claimed by Grand Conjunction
Discovered by Ertosiangel
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Updated ExoMech

Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr is a planet in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr is a planet in the star system Isaz ei'Folr in the No Man's Sky universe.

It was discovered by scouts of the Grand Conjunction on March 2, 2020.

PLANET ICON BLUE  This world has been classified as a Near-Eden World. It fell short of being considered perfect due to low flora diversity and high sentinel activity.

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Gras X
PC Current: Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr
PC Other: Kaldr-Fjall

Planet type[ | ]

Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr is a Frozen world, specifically Icebound. The weather consists of Freezing, meaning that storms are infrequent and mild.

Moons[ | ]

This planet has no moons or other orbiting bodies.

Notable locations / Waypoints[ | ]

Life[ | ]

Fauna[ | ]

Creature Image Creature Name/Environment Gender(s) Height/Weight Diet Genus   Brief description
Footprint Icon Kaldr-Fjall Langrnef
Uncommon, Ground
Prime 1.5 m
96.0 kg
Tetraceris Carries symbiotic worms
Dwarf se'Uruz Dwarf se'Uruz
Common, Ground
Female and Symmetric 0.5-0.6 m
47.4-54.5 kg
Di-hydrogen crystals Hexungulatis Well insulated
One of the smallest members of its genus ever documented
Footprint Icon Kaldr-Fjall Greater Langrnef
Rare, Ground
Prime 3.2 m
136.0 kg
Tetraceris Elaborate mating displays
Footprint Icon ???
Rare, Ground
Footprint Icon Z. Heydronoteum
Common, Flying
Exotic 0.8 m
81.7 kg
Agnelis Aware of its fate

All Fauna Discovered bonus: 250 NANITES

Flora[ | ]

8 species of flora have been discovered on this world by survey teams.

Sentinels[ | ]

Sentinels perform regular patrols on this world. Travellers are advised to be careful when mining.

Resources[ | ]

Resources on this world are categorized as Typical and include the following.

Minerals[ | ]

13 mineral varieties have been discovered on this world by survey teams.

The mineral Gezzonite can be found on this world, as well as on Varmr-Hol mig'Vetr-Skogr. It is the first documented mineral identified as existing on two different worlds.

The mineral Notmordite can be found on this world. Notmordite should not be confused with the element Mordite as harvesting it only provides Ferrite Dust and Dioxite, not Mordite.

Additional Information[ | ]

This planet is home of the Dwarf se'Uruz. At the time of its discovery on March 12, 2020, it was ranked #3 on the Fauna Hall of Fame for smallest Hexungulatis, making it one of the smallest species of its genus ever documented.

Gallery[ | ]
