No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Beyond update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 27 November, 2019.
Galaxy Euclid
Region Nusophr
Star system Jangka
Moon of Ruvand XVIII
Biome Dead - Desolate
Sentinels Minimal
Flora Not Present
Fauna Lacking
Claimed by Helios Confederation of Independent Systems
Discovery platform Xbox
Game Mode Normal
Updated Beyond

Kaylair is a moon.

Summary[ | ]

Kaylair is the first moon of planet Ruvand XVIII, in the Jangka system, within the HCIS, in the No Man's Sky universe.

It is a mostly featureless moon, offering nothing but unobstructed views of the rest of its neighbors.

Alias names[ | ]

Xbox Current: Kaylair

Moon type[ | ]

Waypoints[ | ]

Notable locations[ | ]

Life[ | ]

Sentinels[ | ]

Resources[ | ]

The following resources can be found on this planet.

Gallery[ | ]
