No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Echoes update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 February, 2024.

Korvax Convergence is a collective consciousness of the Korvax.

Summary[ | ]

Korvax Convergence is a form of collective consciousness constituted by all Korvax entities. Within the Convergence, each entity is able to move from one envelope (Korvax body) to another, and all entities can communicate with each other. All Korvax communicate with each other in this way, and this has been the case since the beginning of their history.

Convergence Past[ | ]

According to certain newspapers, particularity in archive buildings, several convergences existed in the past, and have since disappeared for different reasons. The First Convergence is described as none other than their own home world, Korvax Prime - which was a living planet.

The Disconnection[ | ]

Any Korvax entity can be disconnected for different reasons. This may be the destruction of the envelope, or a choice by the Convergence itself to disconnect the "divergent entities", which refuse to follow the same path as the Korvax of the Convergence. A disconnected entity subsists in the void, theoretically for eternity. However, for reasons that are still unclear, the Atlantideum is capable of extracting these disconnected entities from the void, they can slowly manage to rebuild a shell and become the Autophage.

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
