No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Waypoint update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 21 February, 2023.
Launch Thruster Upgrade
Launch Thruster Upgrade
Category Starship - Launch Thruster
Type Generated Upgrade
Updated Waypoint
Disambig01 This article is about the procedural upgrades. For the core technology, see Launch Thruster.

Launch Thruster Upgrades are starship Launch Thruster upgrades.

Summary[ | ]

Launch Thruster Upgrades, contained within Launch Thruster Modules, are upgrades granting bonuses to a Starship's Launch Thruster.

Upgrade properties[ | ]

Launch Thruster Upgrades grant at least one of the following bonuses:

  • Launch Cost
  • Boost






C Class B Class A Class S Class X Class
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Render.landinggear Launch Thruster C Class1-2(primarily 2 stats)
B Class/A Class/S Class2
X Class1-2(primarily 2 stats)
Launch Cost -5 -10 -10 -15 -15 -20 -20 -5 -25
Boost 0 1 2 5 5 8 8 10 0 10

Up to three Launch Thruster Upgrades can be installed in each inventory of the starship. Installing four or more upgrades in a given inventory will disable all upgrades of that type until the upgrade count is reduced to three or less.

Crafting[ | ]

Launch Thruster Upgrades can only be obtained from opening Launch Thrusters Modules.

Launch Thruster Upgrade can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Launch Thruster Upgrade can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Installing[ | ]

Upgrade modules follow a static progression. The generation seed is used for all module families at the same time. During module installations it goes up by one. The new module they change into correlates to their order of installation. If the game is reloaded, the exact same pool will be offered to the player, no matter the order they install other modules.

Example: If an S-class module had 200 ly Hyperdrive Range bonus on the third installation no matter in what order the former modules are installed or their class, if the same S-class module is used third again, it will once again be the 200 ly bonus module even if the name changes. Only if used second or fourth the module stat may change.

Discovered Upgrade Modules[ | ]

S Class Launch Thruster Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Launch Cost Boost Screenshot
Baryonic Nozzles -20% +9% Link
De-Ionised Fuel Injector -20% +9% Link
De-Ionised Orbit Synchroniser -20% +10% Link
Flawless Di-hydrogen Cycler -20% +9% Link
Flawless Nozzles -20% +9% Link
Quantum Gyroscope -20% +9% Link
Quantum Launch Computer -20% +9% Link
Quantum Nozzles -20% +10% Link
A Class Launch Thruster Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Launch Cost Boost Screenshot
High Speed Nozzles -17% +6% Link
B Class Launch Thruster Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Launch Cost Boost Screenshot
Optical Exhaust Vents -13% +3% Link
C Class Launch Thruster Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Launch Cost Boost Screenshot
Dynamic Nozzles -6% +1% Link
Efficient Gyroscope -6% +1% Link
X Class Launch Thruster Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Launch Cost Boost Procedural ID
Outlawed Upgraded Nozzles -25% +10% 48604
'Irregular' Optical Nozzles -25% +10% 85807
Illegal Upgraded Di-Hydrogen Cycler -23% +10% 13549

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • Expeditions - Expeditions Season 2: Added as a technology.

Gallery[ | ]
