No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Singularity update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 23 August, 2023.
Type Sentinel
Description Benevolent sentinel drone entity
Updated Singularity

Laylaps is a Sentinel Drone.

Summary[ | ]

Laylaps is a benevolent Sentinel Drone entity which acts as a companion to the player. It can be unlocked by completing the A Trace of Metal questline, which also provides players with blueprints for various Sentinel Hardframe Battle Mech parts.

Appearance[ | ]

Laylaps differs from normal sentinel drones due to a blue coloured shell and a radio receiver on top. It follows the player on planetary surfaces, remaining hidden on the Space Anomaly, Space Stations, and Freighters.

Behavior[ | ]

Laylaps acts similarly to companions on-planet, following the player around the surface. If the player engages in combat with sentinels on-world, or if the planet has aggressive sentinel activity, Laylaps's eye appears to shift to a red colour. Interacting with Laylaps after the A Trace Of Metal storyline leads to it repeating the sentence "I am having such fun Telamon-NOT-Telamon!", but interacting with the drone during its questline yields several quest-related pieces of dialogue.

Laylaps does not appear to have any sort of scavenging abilities, remaining on the sidelines during battle. Laylaps will occasionally shoot volleys of yellow bolts similar to those of the boltcaster at hostile sentinels when the player is in combat, dealing little damage. Unlike pets, Laylaps cannot be outfitted with custom accessories, nor can it be fed or interacted with.

Additional Information[ | ]

  • The name 'Laylaps' is taken from the mythological Laelaps, a Greek hunting dog that never failed to catch its prey. When the Aeolian prince Cephalus attempted to use Laelaps to catch the Teumessian fox (a fox that could never be caught), a paradox was created. Zeus eventually intervened in their eternal chase, transforming them into stone and flinging them into the sky where they became the constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor.
  • The mention of Laylaps as a reconfigured, benevolent Sentinel drone has existed in the form of lore from far before the Sentinel update itself. See the Base Computer Archives for more information.
  • Laylaps appears to be communicating directly with Telamon, the exosuit AI, instead of communicating with the traveller. When called out on this, Laylaps hastily says that it had mistaken the traveller, but later goes on to refer to the player as "Telamon-NOT-Telamon".
  • Laylaps appears to have a connection to the World Of Glass, referring to it as an end.
  • Laylaps also appears to have previously worked with or communicated with Telamon, as it says that they have both died once before. This may suggest that Laylaps was another security sub protocol of The Atlas, before being removed, similar to Telamon.
  • Laylaps also suggests that it and Telamon can work together to prevent falling into the World Of Glass.
  • According to the logs in the Sentinel Pillar, Laylaps has been in contact with the entity known as The Abyss, and seems to have some ulterior motive, and a plan to gain some form of freedom from the Atlas that involves both Telamon and the Traveler.