No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Endurance update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 October, 2022.
Category Tradeable
Type Alloy Metal
Total Value 25,000.0 Units
Updated Endurance

Lemmium is a tradeable.

Summary[ | ]

Lemmium is a tradeable that can be crafted, found or purchased.

Game Description[ | ]

Pure Ferrite alloy. Crafted from Pure Ferrite and Uranium.

Used extensively in starship freighter construction due to its sheer strength. A hardcore material popular on the Galactic Trade Network.

Source[ | ]

Lemmium can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Lemmium can be refined using a Refiner with the following ingredients:

  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ROCKETSUB Tritium ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.1 Ferrite Dust ×120  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ROCKETSUB Tritium ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.2 Pure Ferrite ×60  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.1 Silver ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.1 Ferrite Dust ×120  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.1 Silver ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.2 Pure Ferrite ×60  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold ×10  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.1 Ferrite Dust ×120  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold ×10  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.2 Pure Ferrite ×60  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.3 Platinum ×5  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.1 Ferrite Dust ×120  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.RADIO Uranium ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.3 Platinum ×5  +  SUBSTANCE.LAND.2 Pure Ferrite ×60  →  Product.metallic.4 Lemmium ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)

Use[ | ]


Lemmium is used as an ingredient for crafting the following products:


Lemmium is used as an ingredient for refining the following products using a Refiner:

  • SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold  --  Lemmium x1  →  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold x125  ("Extreme Alloy Separation", 1.2 sec./unit output)


Lemmium is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Additional information[ | ]

Lemmium is named after Lemmy Kilmister, the founder, lead singer and bassist of the English heavy metal band Motörhead. Note additional reference to "hardcore" in the game description.[1]

The inventory appearance for Lemmium was previously used by Crolium.

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]

  1. Will Porter (19 Aug 2016 'How I got Lemmy into No Man's Sky'.