No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Expeditions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 1 June, 2021.
Livestock Unit
Livestock Unit
Category Base Building
Type Automatic Harvesting Robot
Power usage 20 kPs
Updated Expeditions

Livestock Unit is a base building product.

Summary[ | ]

Livestock Unit is a base building product. It requires power to operate.

It will automatically collect any available Animal Byproducts from nearby creatures that have recently eaten a creature pellet.

Player has to baby-sit the process as the animals wanders off when unattended.

Game description[ | ]

A robotic farming unit, designed to automatically harvest substances from creatures. Requires power.

Creatures that are ready to be harvested for milk, eggs or other specialist produce will approach the Livestock Unit and deposit their yields. The creatures are unharmed by the process.

Will harvest produce from creatures fed by hand or via an Automated Feeder.

Source[ | ]

The blueprint can be acquired from the Construction Research Station on the Space Anomaly for 10 Salvaged Data.

Build[ | ]

Livestock Unit can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Additional information[ | ]

  • Power consumption is 20kP
  • The Livestock Unit has a total of fifteen (15) regular storage slots, but they can only be used for substances recently harvested. However, as the game tends to forget the substances that the Livestock Unit stores, it is recommended to extract food items from it as soon as possible before they rot.
  • Limited to ten (10) Livestock Units per base.

Release history[ | ]

  • Beyond - Added as a base building product.

Gallery[ | ]
