No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NextGen update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 February, 2021.
This article was catalogued by Alliance of Galactic Travellers.
M. Gekkfumae
Galaxy Euclid
Region Kaleibn Cluster
Star system AGT Caledoinian iVc
Planet Mosh Omega
Galactic coords 0B11:0081:02EB:0199
Description Rare / Ground / Always Active
Bait Sweetened Compost
Gender Indeterminate - Alpha
Behaviour Vigilant
Diet Grass
Height 1.6 m
Weight 95.6 kg
Genus Hexungulatis
Notes Covered in tiny hairs
Mode Normal
Territory Alliance of Galactic Travellers
Discovered by celab99
Discovered on 28-Nov-2020
Updated NextGen

M. Gekkfumae is a creature.


AGT-Bzoological research

AGT Bureau of Zoological Research

M. Gekkfumae is a creature, a member of the Hexungulatis genus.


Alias Names

Original: M. Gekkfumae
Current: M. Gekkfumae
Other: M. Gekkfumae

Discovery Menu

Additional Observations: Covered in tiny hairs


It can be found on the planet Mosh Omega in the AGT Caledoinian iVc star system.




Gender Scans Weight Height Notes
Indeterminate 95.6 1.6
Alpha 84.1 1.6
Discovery Screen
As displayed

Additional Information

  • Typical diet: Grass
  • Diet Classification: Herbivore
  • Active period: Always Active
  • Discovered 28-Nov-2020. (AGT Stardate 3736.28.11)
  • Research contributed by the CELAB Galactic Industries research team.

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