No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Companions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 30 March, 2021.
MV Joson IV
MV Joson IV
Galaxy Euclid
Region The Arm of Silundov
Star system Guulaanx
Galactic coords 0EEE:007B:0897:000C
Portal glyphs 000CFC0986EF000CFC0986EF
Type Freighter
Subtype Derelict
Class A
Discovered by Ahyangyi
Discovery platform PC
Game Mode Normal
Release Companions

MV Joson IV is a starship in No Man's Sky.

Summary[ | ]

MV Joson IV is a Freighter in the No Man's Sky universe.

Location[ | ]

A derelict freighter of this type was discovered in the Guulaanx system, located in the The Arm of Silundov region.

Additional information[ | ]

Zone 1: Secondary Cargo Bay-G39[ | ]

Connects: Zone 2 and 3 (downstairs)

A room with little information and some boxes scattered around.

MV Joson IV Zone 1

Zone 1

Zone 2: Habitation Unit-F56[ | ]

Connects: Zone 1

A very tiny bedroom, containing little information and a few loot boxes. A dead end.

MV Joson IV Zone 2

Zone 2

Zone 3: Primary Crew Quarters-A24[ | ]

Connects: Zone 1 (upstairs), 4 and 5

A big room with the Records Terminal, a teleportation point, two Log Snippets, and about twenty loot boxes.

MV Joson IV Zone 3

Zone 3

Crew Manifest

Crew status as of last ship-wide bio scan (12 days ago):

Commanding Officer: Master Rinyakht
Duty Officers: Lieutenant Lokhovit; Cadet Niz; Acting Lieutenant Zekim

Crew Status Report: Crew (Living) x 97, Crew (Infected) x 116

Entity Yubur (Trainee)
Entity Yuzhe (Company Official)
Entity Lero (Mining Overseer)


... No detected biological traces matches crew records ...

... Retrieving last known crew positions ...
Master Rinyakht: REDACTED AREA
Lieutenent Lokhovit: Error: Multiple Locations, 5 days ago
Cadet Niz: Medical Bay 24, 5 days ago
Acting Lieutenant Zekim: Backup Generator Control, 3 days ago

Log Snippet

Ground crew collected novel magnetic element while on mission
Performed extensive probing
Observation: novel pathogen discovered.

Log Snippet (Second visit)

Partial Cargo Manifest Follows:
[[Holographic Crankshaft]] x 494
Experimental Fuel Cells x 2
[[Quantum Accelerator]] x 324
Preserved Cryptids x 81 (seal broken)

Zone 4: Habitation Unit-G42[ | ]

Connects: Zone 3

Another small room; this does contain log snippets though. Also a dead end.

MV Joson IV Zone 4

Zone 4

Log Snippets

Extract from :: Watch Officer's Daily Report, Discipline ::

Datestamp 2,665.1: Entity Anniko (Internal Security) confined to the brig for inappropriate use of a cabin
First Offence. Sentence length: 2 days.
Monitoring & Maintenance Logs Accessed... Event Record Follows

Datestamp 2,491.4 :: Overpowering stench in Gunnery Control...
    Outcome: AI Core notified...

Datestamp 2,515.3 :: Intruder alarm in Operations Centre...
    Outcome: System rebooted...

Datestamp 2,544.8 :: Unexplained tissue matter in Sleeping Unit 1...
    Outcome: Extermination Unit VII deployed...

Log Snippets (Second visit)

Personal Data Recording accessed for Analyst Entity Yomov (Fuel Generation).
Datestamp 2,309.3. Auto-Transcribing Audio...

kzkzzt -- we should have been back months ago -- kzkzzt -- it can't happen to everyone -- kzkzzt -- it was hardly them any more -- kzkzzt -- RECORDING ENDS
Research Log Entry Follows...

Collected micro-flora on Sklandal
Performed extensive probing
Observation: temporal disturbance recorded. Sample to be analysed in non-hyperspace sensitive facility.

Zone 5: Living Area-B59[ | ]

Connects: Zone 3 and 6

Log Snippets:

Partial Crew Equipment Record Follows...

Name: Entity Izhnaias :: Specialism: Waveform Analysis
Personal locker contains: lens adjuster, delta-wave suppressor, test tubes, and miscellaneous unfinished machines.
Last accessed: 6 days ago. Detailed scan reveals traces of flesh burned to locker interior.
Ship AI Log Decrypted... Location Tracking Report for Entity Dushki (AI Security):
Personal bioscan last detected 12 days ago, in the Shuttle Hanger. 36 others present. Biometric readout indicates entity infested. No further lifesigns.

Log Snippets (Second visit):

Name: Technician Entity Irzhan
Specialism: Research
Compliance: 44%
Disease Resistance: 87%
Honesty: 38%
Company Approval Rating: 71%
Predicted Remaining Lifespan: 19.2 years
Research Log Entry Follows...
Ground crew collected microbe sample while on mission
Performed baryogenesis survey
Observation: sample unresponsive

Zone 6: Shuttle Bay-G27[ | ]

Connects: Zone 5 and 7

Zone 7: Main Cargo Bay-B45[ | ]

Connects: Zone 6, 8 and 9

Log Snippets:

Extract from :: Watch Officer's Daily Report, Discipline ::

Datestamp 1,648.9: Entity Lumetyuz (Research) confined to the brig for screaming episode
Offence number 5. Sentence length: 9 days. Additional punishment: Mess-mates isolated from rest of crew.
Extract from :: Watch Officer's Daily Report, Discipline ::

Datestamp 1,567.0: Convergence Entity Herdo (Extermination) confined to the brig for interference with cameras
Sentence: Indefinite Detention

Log Snippets (second visit)

Ship AI logging fragment 901.78 recovered. AI Internal memory encrypted. Decrypting...

Automated reporting from Entity Mikartyo (Research)
Value of body parts: High
Diligence: Extremely Low
Perception levels: Very High
Monitoring & Maintenance Logs Accessed... Event Record Follows
Datestamp 2,431.8 :: Overpowering stench in Sleeping Unit 4...
    Outcome: Sensor restarted...

Datestamp 2,454.1 :: Camera disabled in Operations Centre...
    Outcome: Crew dispatched...

Datestamp 2,442.9 :: Exponential mould growth in Research Unit...
    Outcome: Extermination Unit VII deployed...
Personal Data Recording accessed for Entity Ertsynoya (Engineering).

Datestamp 2,868.2. Auto-Transcribing Audio...

kzkzzt -- need to get down there -- kzkzzt -- they've gone mad, it's all going wrong -- kzkzzt -- [ laser fire, glass shattering ] -- kzkzzt -- RECORDING ENDS

Secure Mainframe

Last significant entry from Master Rinyakht follows...

Datestamp 3,238.8 :: Damaged Sentinels must be harvested. They must be brought to the Garden. So we sweep.
Datestamp 3,252.9 :: The drones can be close to the Atlas on this world. Their bodies remember flying, walking, functioning. They sit still on the anomalous soil. They dream.
Datestamp 3,240.6 :: The Garden world is full, its seeds now sprouting. The machine wakes. It is time for us to move on.
Datestamp 3,318.9 :: Eheu! The Aeron-child follows us, even now. A swarm of memories, floating from system to system. It remembers who cared for it. It remembers [[Korvax]], always.
So we garden. So we find the fallen...

Zone 8: Storage Unit-G12[ | ]

Connects: Zone 7

Zone 9: Main Cargo Bay-B30[ | ]

Connects: Zone 7 and 10

Zone 10: Engineering Core-F48[ | ]

Connects: Zone 9

Log Snippet (Second visit)

Personal Data Recording accessed for Entity Omysih (AI Oversight).

Datestamp 2,370.5. Auto-Transcribing Audio...

kzkzzt -- alarms going off again. How many times will -- kzkzzt -- gushed all down the corridor, burned the floor -- kzkzzt -- no! crawling, crawling, out of their -- kzkzzt --  RECORDING ENDS
Expedition Event Log Follows

Datestamp 3,268.5 :: Arrived in Beliscil System. Offered chance to invest in high-resolution orbital photography business. Demand: booming. Investment: successful.
Datestamp 3,293.0 :: Attempted trade in Oveste I System. Local economy too weak for profitable trades.
Datestamp 3,314.8 :: Purchased supplies from merchant in the Tebussimi I. Supplied components were faulty, caused catastrophic fire in the hold.

Reconstructed timeline[ | ]

Loot[ | ]

An A-level Salvaged Hyperdrive Unit can be found in this derelict freighter.

Gallery[ | ]
