No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Endurance update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 October, 2022.
Highly prized and lustrous alloy.
Category Tradeable
Type Alloy Metal
Total Value 25,000.0 Units
Updated Endurance

Magno-Gold is a tradeable.

Summary[ | ]

Magno-Gold is a tradeable.

Game description[ | ]

Highly prized and lustrous alloy. Popular with traders of all known primary galactic races. Crafted from Ionised Cobalt and Phosphorus.

Easily recognisable by its bright red glow and strong magnetic field.

Source[ | ]

Magno-Gold can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Magno-Gold can be refined using a Refiner with the following ingredients:

  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ROCKETSUB Tritium ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.1 Cobalt ×60  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ROCKETSUB Tritium ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.2 Ionised Cobalt ×30  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.1 Silver ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.1 Cobalt ×60  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.1 Silver ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.2 Ionised Cobalt ×30  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold ×10  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.1 Cobalt ×60  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold ×10  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.2 Ionised Cobalt ×30  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.3 Platinum ×5  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.1 Cobalt ×60  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)
  • SUBSTANCE.BIOME.HOT Phosphorus ×30  +  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.3 Platinum ×5  +  SUBSTANCE.CAVE.2 Ionised Cobalt ×30  →  Product.metallic.5 Magno-Gold ×1  ("Alloy Latticing", 45 sec./unit output)

Use[ | ]


Magno-Gold is used as an ingredient for crafting the following products:


Magno-Gold is used as an ingredient for refining the following products using a Refiner:

  • SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold  --  Magno-Gold x1  →  SUBSTANCE.ASTEROID.2 Gold x125  ("Extreme Alloy Separation", 1.2 sec./unit output)


Magno-Gold is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • Pathfinder - Added as a component, renamed from Magmox to Magno-Gold.
  • NEXT - Blueprint changed, formerly used Gold and Iron.
  • Prisms - Added Synthesis Laboratory as a blueprint source.

Gallery[ | ]
