No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.
Messenger of Atlas
Messenger of Atlas
System Types Any
Frequency Low
HUD Alert Object of Interest Detected
Mission Alert Space Signal Detected
Interaction Use communicator
Ramifications None whether accepting or rejecting the message of Atlas.
Rewards Gives an Atlas word
Notes Encountered having different shapes.
Updated WorldsOne

Messenger of Atlas is a space encounter.

Summary[ | ]

Messenger of Atlas is a type of space encounter which may occur in a star system.

Appearance[ | ]

Messengers of Atlas can appear in a variety of geometric shapes. They will always have a red Atlas orb in the middle of their structure.

Behavior[ | ]

Messengers of Atlas will only try to communicate with the player. They will not respond if fired upon, nor will it damage them.

If the player answers their communication, they will be given a choice to either accept or reject the message of Atlas. Either way, once the communication ends it will teach the player an Atlas word.

Systems It has been found in[ | ]

Messenger of Atlas has been found in these systems before:

NOTE: The first two columns must be completed, or the entry will be removed.

System Coordinates Galaxy Notes
Miovis-Yoake I 0806:007B:07F3:0090 Eissentam
Yoegath OR-Gamma 0000:00DC:0FFE:00B0 Rewmanawa
Yuzna 07F8:007D:0803:00CF Rewmanawa
Ohtark 042F:0079:0D56:01D5 Eissentam
Pexunden 0E66:007A:0550:0129 Euclid
Udenum 0E40:0082:04E6:0020 Euclid
Lemphill 029A:007E:0BF7:00B0 Euclid
Westosta 087C:00A1:0AD6:01C0 Euclid
Sestvu 02C9:00FE:06D9:0165 Euclid
Kadagbok 0714:0077:0EB6:0104 Euclid
Zaifur-Nuvol 0121:00C4:0E76:0016 Euclid
Kesenn XIX 0381:0084:0D47:0041 Euclid

Additional Information[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
