No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NextGen update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 16 February, 2021.
Mordite Root
Mordite Root
Category Base Building
Type Plantable Seed
Total Value 1 Units
Updated NextGen
NmsPlant Carrion Root Farming

Mordite Root farming

Mordite Root is a farmable agricultural product.

Summary[ | ]

Mordite Root seeds can be acquired from a hired Farmer, or purchased from the Construction Research Station in the Space Anomaly for 3 Salvaged Data,

Game description[ | ]

An inedible tuber that produces a small yield of Mordite crystals.

A peaceful alternative to the process of harvesting Mordite from the corpses of creatures. Mordite Root must be grown in a Hydroponics Tray.

Approximate growing time: 8 hours

Build[ | ]

Mordite Root can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

  • SUBSTANCE.CREATURE.1 Mordite ×40  →  NmsFarming Carrion Root Icon Mordite Root

Additional information[ | ]

  • Growing the plant will produce 25 Mordite in roughly 8 hours of real time.
  • When grown, this plant produces a tuber where the Mordite crystals mature.

Release history[ | ]

  • Foundation - Added as a product.
  • Atlas Rises - Renamed from Carrion Root to Mordite Root.
  • NEXT - Blueprint changed, formerly used Thamium9, Carbon and Mordite.
  • NEXT 1.55 - Growing time changed, formerly it was 60 minutes.
  • NEXT 1.58 - Blueprint changed, formerly used Chromatic Metal and Mordite.
  • Beyond - Growing time fixed in the game description. Harvested quantity increased from 25 to 39.
  • ExoMech - Harvested quantity decreased from 39 to 25.

Trivia[ | ]

  • The Mordite Root appears to have been based off the real life plant Rafflesia Arnoldii, or Corpse Flower.

Gallery[ | ]
