No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.

Summary[ | ]

This page is a list of various Staff Multi-Tools discovered during the Echoes update and through current eras.

Staff Multi-tools have a high damage bonus, a low mining bonus, and a high scanner bonus. They are a rare specialization and can only be obtained from a hidden Autophage Camp, but with some damaged slots.

Obtaining[ | ]

A Voltaic Staff can be built at Autophage Synthesis Terminals or Harmonic Interfaces using three staff parts; a Head, a Core and a Pole. Sufficient progress must be made in the They Who Returned Autophage questline to craft these staffs or purchase parts. Blueprints for the 3 basic Voltaic components are awarded by doing the Autophage quests, and other unique staff parts must be purchased with Void Motes at Autophage Synthesis Terminals or Harmonic Interfaces.

Be wary that colors and class rating change between different terminals or interfaces, and are different for each player. If a given terminal or interface doesn't have a desirable staff to craft, a new terminal or interface can be used.

Type bonus (+%):

Class Damage Mining Scan
min max min max min max
C Class 10 20 0 5 20 25
B Class 15 25 5 10 30 35
A Class 20 30 5 10 35 45
S Class 25 50 10 15 40 50

Class S[ | ]

This is the best class of multi-tool. They typically have bonuses of 40% or above.

No results

Class A[ | ]

No results

Class B[ | ]

No results

Class C[ | ]

No results

Specialisations[ | ]

The eight specialisations of multi-tools are:

Each specialisation can be subdivided into four classes, with S being the most powerful, followed by A, B, and C.

(For a list of all multitool types, refer to the Multi-tool Catalogue)
