No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Endurance update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 October, 2022.
NMH Hauler Album - Eissentam
NMH Hauler Album - Eissentam
Galaxy Eissentam
Type Album
Claimed by No Man's High Hub
Updated Endurance
Disambig01 This article is about the current version of NMH Fighter Album - Eissentam. For the SentinelUp version, see NMH Fighter Album - Eissentam (Sentinel).

NMH Hauler Album - Eissentam is a visual catalogue.

Summary[ | ]

The NMH Hauler Album - Eissentam is a collection of images of Haulers found within the Eissentam portion of the No Man's High Hub, catalogued by the Ship Hunters of the Delta-9 Discovery Initiative.

  • Put the original ship name in the "name" section.
  • Put the Economy level of the Star system in the "other" section. ★ = low wealth, ★★ = medium wealth, ★★★ = high wealth, ☠️ = black market/outlaw.
  • For a more detailed description of Hauler body shapes and parts see Starship Catalogue - Hauler.

Ball (0)[ | ]

Box (1)[ | ]

Nmh hauler box rumotsub of truth crashed eis 10E10034C495 DHarhanWulf
Rumotsub of Truth (Crashed)
★★ Economy
Discoverer: Dharhanwulf

C-Wing (0)[ | ]

D Wing (0)[ | ]

E Wing (1)[ | ]

Nmh hauler ewing rc2 odegau to eis 21CDFF34C495 dharhanwulf
RC2 Odegau
☠️ Economy
Discoverer: Dharhanwulf

Fan Wing (0)[ | ]

No Wing (0)[ | ]

Thrusters (1)[ | ]

Nmh hauler thrusters wu5 hobar to eis 1103FF34C495 dharhanwulf
WU5 Hobar
☠️ Economy
Discoverer: Dharhanwulf

Tie Shield (0)[ | ]

W Wing (0)[ | ]
