No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the NEXT update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 28 October, 2018.

The subject of this article is from a previous version of No Man's Sky and is now considered obsolete.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorised.

Neutral elements are one of the original five divisions of the periodic table in No Man's Sky

Summary[ | ]

Neutral elements can be combined with other elements, such as Iron, for crafting purposes.

All elements in the Neutral family have an icon with a green background when shown in the players inventory, or on the No Man's Sky periodic table.

Mining[ | ]

These elements can be found in rock formations (metallic), plants (plant compounds), and destroyed technology (waste).

Members[ | ]

Known members of the Neutral elements family are split into three types based on their source (metal, plant, or wastes):

Type I (metal-based)[ | ]

Icon Element Abbrev Rarity Description Base value  units
Substance.neutral.common1 Copper Cu Uncommon Highly conductive and versatile metallic element. A frequent sight in the cargo manifests of traders of many primary galactic species. Can be combined with other elements to create valuable alloys if formula is available. 110.0
Substance.neutral.uncommon2 Gold Au Rare Rare, highly conductive and used decoratively by many of the galaxy's primary species. It is central to the economies of many galactic species, and a prized trading asset. Can be combined with other elements to create valuable alloys if formula is available. 220.0
Substance.neutral.rare1 Emeril Em Rare A silver-black metal that emits low levels of radiation. A highly sought after element that's used in the construction of planetary outposts. Can be combined with other elements to create valuable alloys if formula is available. 275.0

Type II (plant-based)[ | ]

All but Cactus Flesh and Star Bulb require Haz-Mat Gauntlet for proper handling.

Icon Element Abbrev Rarity Description Base value  units
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.LUSH Star Bulb Sb Rare A beautiful gemstone, this prized product is the engorged, luminescent berry of the Star Bramble. The host plant requires lush conditions to thrive. 32.0
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.DUSTY Cactus Flesh Cc Rare Succulent, edible cactus flesh from the Echinocactus plant that grows in otherwise barren places. As well as being juicy on the tongue, the flesh has many industrial uses. 28.0
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.SNOW Frost Crystal Fc Rare A beautiful blue crystal, this organic compound possesses both great hardiness and a shimmering translucence. It is harvested from the leaves of Frostwort, which thrives in frozen conditions. 12.0
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.HOT Solanium So Rare A powerful chemical that has resisted attempts at synthesis. It can only be harvested from the bark of the Solar Vine, a plant that thrives in hot climates. 70.0
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.TOXIC Fungal Mould Ml Rare An oddly glowing substance, harvested from the gills of the Fungal Clusters that grow in toxic biomes. 16.0
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.RADIO Gamma Root Gr Rare A strange substance that seems to slowly shift the air around it. It is found in the roots of Gamma Weed, a planet that thrives in radioactive conditions. 16.0

Type III (waste-based)[ | ]

Icon Element Abbrev Rarity Description Base value  units
SUBSTANCE.PLANT.POOP Coprite Cr Rare A crystalline compound that can be harvested from the faecal matter of some species. 6.9
SUBSTANCE.CREATURE.1 Mordite Mo Rare A compound that can be recovered from the cadavers of some species. 13.8
SUBSTANCE.ROBOT.1 Pugneum Pg Rare A substance that leaks from the circuitry of defeated drones. 137.5

Additional information[ | ]

Neutral has the most elements of all divisions.

Gallery[ | ]
