No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Pathfinder update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 10 August, 2017.
Galaxy Euclid
Region Uynianseidma Fringe
Star system Wamizawakka-Rila
Weather Radioactive Decay
Resources Cn, Vi, Ir
Sentinels Low Security
Flora Generous
Fauna Typical
Discovered by ArdentTristan
Discovery platform PS4
Updated Pathfinder

Nirovlad is a planet in the Wamizawakka-Rila system.

Summary[ | ]

A pink radiation planet with numerous predatory creatures. Hazard protections recommended.

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Neyagatotak
PS4 Current: Nirovlad

Atmosphere and climate[ | ]

  °C Rad Tox
Day 5.1
Night 5.3
Storm 10.1
Underground 18.7

Waypoints[ | ]

Notable locations[ | ]

Life[ | ]

Fauna[ | ]

There are 11 fauna to be found.

Fauna Completion %[ | ]

PS4: 81%

Fauna Temperament Gender Diet Height Weight Genus  
Osisumium Dorefoca Hunter Asymptotic, Alpha Carnivore 0.56 ~ 0.59 71.08 ~ 73.43 Osisumium Dorefoca
Petuorelae Beustaka Volatile Orthogonal, Radical Carnivore 4.09 160.11 ~ 169.77 Petuorelae Beustaka
Lariumve Nogonusmo Stalking Exotic, Orthogonal Meat-eater 1.55 ~ 1.71 93.06 ~ 93.99 Lariumve Nogonusmo 2
Yonustocav Dorefoca Hunter Rational, Alpha Meat-eater 0.69 ~ 0.87 32.54 ~ 46.09 Yonustocav Dorefoca
Ankurostel Porpug Passive Alpha, Asymptotic Absorbed nutrients 1.51 ~ 1.55 100.42 ~ 102.13 Ankurostel Porpug
Rutriare Huratuman Bold None Oxide elements 1.34 72.65 Rutriare Huratuman none
Befecus Nidustares Anxious Rational, Orthogonal Grazing creature 0.98 ~ 1.07 47.94 ~ 51.36 Befecus Nidustares
Acileug Nidustares Skittish Asymmetric, Male Vegetation 0.96 ~ 1.14 48.11 ~ 54.85 Acileug Nidustares
Axustr Huratuman Skittish Male Vegetation 1.24 74.36 Axustr Huratuman

Resources[ | ]


Gallery[ | ]

Navigator[ | ]
