No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Prisms update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
Nitrogen Salt
Nitrogen Salt
Category Tradeable
Type Enhanced Gas Product
Total Value 50,000 Units
Updated Prisms

Nitrogen Salt is a tradeable.

Summary[ | ]

Nitrogen Salt is a tradeable that can also be used to craft certain products.

Game Description[ | ]

A refined product, this is a powerful organic fertiliser in an easily distributed form.

Crafted from Nitrogen and Condensed Carbon.

Sources[ | ]

Nitrogen Salt can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Nitrogen Salt can be refined using a Refiner with the following ingredients:

  • GAS.1 Nitrogen ×100  +  SUBSTANCE.FUEL.1 Carbon ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.WATER.2 Chlorine ×5  →  Reaction.3 Nitrogen Salt ×1  ("High-Speed Sublimation", 45 sec./unit output)
  • GAS.1 Nitrogen ×100  +  SUBSTANCE.FUEL.1 Carbon ×20  +  SUBSTANCE.WATER.1 Salt ×10  →  Reaction.3 Nitrogen Salt ×1  ("High-Speed Sublimation", 45 sec./unit output)
  • GAS.1 Nitrogen ×100  +  SUBSTANCE.FUEL.2 Condensed Carbon ×10  +  SUBSTANCE.WATER.2 Chlorine ×5  →  Reaction.3 Nitrogen Salt ×1  ("High-Speed Sublimation", 10 sec./unit output)
  • GAS.1 Nitrogen ×100  +  SUBSTANCE.FUEL.2 Condensed Carbon ×10  +  SUBSTANCE.WATER.1 Salt ×10  →  Reaction.3 Nitrogen Salt ×1  ("High-Speed Sublimation", 45 sec./unit output)

Use[ | ]


Nitrogen Salt is used as an ingredient for crafting the following products:


Nitrogen Salt is not used as an ingredient for refining using a Refiner.


Nitrogen Salt is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Release history[ | ]

  • NEXT - Added as a trade item.
  • ExoMech - time for processing changed, was 30
  • Prisms - Added Synthesis Laboratory as a blueprint source.

Gallery[ | ]
