No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Worlds Part I update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 3 September, 2024.

No Mans Sky Wiki:Discussion: New Creature Genera is a discussion page.


This discussion was started on 02 August 2024 by Lenni009.

Current status: Discussion ended, new genus names officially adopted.

Subject of Discussion

With the Worlds Part I update, three new creature types have been added. Like all other genera, they should get proper scientific names. The respective genus pages are already created, and temporary names have been assigned to them for the time being:

If everyone is fine with these names, they will become the official genus names. If there are any objections to any of these names, please make a counter proposal. Phaedrus2929 is the responsible wiki admin for these creature related matters.

This discussion will be open for seven days (until 09 August 2024). Please let us know what you think!


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Explanation for Proposed Genus Names

A brief explanation of the three at least temporary genus names above:

The "creature ID" for the new bugs in the game files is ARTHROPOD. It is rare more recently that HG provides us with creature IDs that can actually work nicely as genus names. Arthropodae (adding the "ae" ending here to blend more with our preexisting genera) follows along with the files. I believe that many of the earliest genera that we have were taken directly from the game files.

The creature ID for the flower cats is PLANTCAT (which is a more normal example of how the files do not provide a nice genus name). Floradae is proposed here, as these creatures appear to be flora versions of the existing Felidae...they move, act, etc. like the normal cats. "Floridae" was considered but is a bit awkward in containing "Florida", and Floradae has the advantage of including "Flora" in its name.

The creature ID for the walking buildings is WALKINGBUILDING. Ambulostructurae is proposed here, literally walking/traveling/wandering structures, with the "ae" ending matching many of the preexisting genera.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions! Phaedrus2929 (talk) 18:19, 2 August 2024 (UTC)

Plant cat should reference it being a cat

I would like either Feliflorae (cat of flowers/plants) or Florafeles (plant cat); the first sounds nicer.

Lunivore (talk) 18:55, 2 August 2024 (UTC)


"Floradae" is fine with me (but I also like Lunivore's "Feliflorae" suggestion). "Arthropodae" is kinda lacking the creativity, but at least it can be easier linked to the game ID then.

For "Ambulostructurae": In my opinion that is on the same level of "difficult to spell / meaning not obvious" as "Cycromys" or "Chrysaora".

It could be shortened down to just "Structurae" (like the structures they have on their back), or "Constructidae" (a nod to the similarity of their legs to the Construct on the space anomaly, although this might be a bit of a stretch). Another option would be something like "Mechanostructurae", since they are also synthetic creatures, similar to Mechanoceris. The patch notes called these creatures "synthetic constructs". Since this is a creature genus, the walking is implied, because creatures typically walk around.

Lenni (talk) 20:15, 2 August 2024 (UTC)

Thoughts on Proposed Names

I the idea to change that the plant type creatures need a reference to how they are feline like. Felesflorae is my pick, or Feliflorae isn't a bad idea too I just prefer the sound of Felesflorae when spoken. Not a fan of the Arthropod name either however I am not sure what an alternative name for them could be. As for the structure type I like Structurae and that would be an easy one for users to remember, the other names suggested for them so far are a bit too long.

Alkmayix (talk) 01:24, 3 August 2024 (UTC)

A Discussion of Cats

On the question of whether to reference cats or felines, I think it's important to note that although the PLANTCATS act like Felidae, there isn't really much catlike about them. They are a bunch of twigs with a flower head. Of course, Felidae are often not too catlike either.

BONECATS, however, are also not catlike at all and do not resemble Felidae very much, and yet we went with Osteofelidae for their genus name. If we want to incorporate Felidae or "CAT" more in the genus name for the PLANTCATS, another option would be Florafelidae, which would parallel nicely with Osteofelidae.

Since a BONECAT is an Osteofelidae, a PLANTCAT could be a Florafelidae. Personally, I still think the shortened Floradae is a bit more elegant and still makes a nod to the Felidae connection. Phaedrus2929 (talk) 14:33, 3 August 2024 (UTC)


I would keep the first two and change the third as Lenni and Alkmayix suggested: Arthropodae / Floradae / Structurae. Artifexity (talk) 08:58, 6 August 2024 (UTC)


After careful consideration of the suggestions, the following have been adopted as official genus names on the wiki:


  • Arthropodae: We follow the game files here, as they provide a reasonable genus name fitting with others.
  • Floradae: We follow "PLANTCAT" in the files by condensing and simplifying Flora-Felidae.
  • Structurae: We go with a shortened and cleaner version of the original suggestion, removing superfluous clunkiness.

This thread is now closed. If there is a need to further discuss the matter, please use the talk page.
