No Man's Sky Wiki

This is a general rules page for the NMS wiki.


This article explains the wiki admin team policy on allowing a civilization to create and use a civilization banner that runs on the top of a wiki page, as well as when it can be used.

What is a Civilized Space Banner[]

Regular users of the wiki will notice that some discovery pages (e.g. for Star system, Planets, etc feature a colorful banner at the top of the wiki page.

In general, these have been created haphazardly historically by wiki contributors, and added and used inconsistently across wiki pages. Some examples of these include:

This article was catalogued by Alliance of Galactic Travellers.
This article was documented by the Galactic Hub.

Starting with 15 May 2023, the wiki admin team has agreed collectively on a policy going forward for the permitted creation and use of Top page wiki banners.

Who Is Eligble to Create and Use a Banner?[]

Going forward only qualifiying Civilized space recognized civilizations and companies will be permitted to create, maintain and use a wiki page banner header. Businesses will specifically not be entitled to banner creation and use on any wiki pages.

Only a special subset of the most successful and comprehensive civilizations and companys will be entitled to create and use banners. In order to qualify for a banner to be created and used, you must have a company or civilization that has reached HUB civilization status as defined by the criteria to reach NMS Hub status.

If the civilization or company is using the Hub - Bases rules, please note that banner will only be an entitlement for Nexus, Hub and Standard levels of achievement. Rural and Solo Hubs will not be entitled.

Simply using the term hub in a civilization name does NOT entitle a civilization or company to use the banners.


The banner MUST comply with the following content/format. Deviations from this format will be reverted and edited by the wiki admin team.

<div class="nomobile">{{Ambox
| image = [[File:yourcivlogo.png|48px|link=]]
| type = ''{{#vardefineecho: text|This article was catalogued by [[:Category:civnamecategory|your civ or company name here]].}}''
| border = color 
--><div class="mobileonly" style="text-align:center">''{{#var:text}}''<br /></div>
[[Category:Notice templates]]

There are two sections for the banner, one for desktop web page display, and one for mobile displays. Here is an explanation of the customized elements:

  • vardefine: text - Customize the hyperlink will be to your parent civilized space category, NOT to your civilized space page
  • Image - use the image logo that is used on your civ or company infobox image.
  • border - a color that will be used for the banner, stick with a color that matches your civ logo style (used only on desktop web pages)

The doc subtemplate will allow a documentation file to be appended to the template so future editors and users of the template can understand what it is used for. Look through an existing documentation file for the AGT or the Galactic Hub to see how to replicate one for your documenation file, or ask an admin for help.

Where Can a Banner Be Used?[]

A banner can be placed AFTER the Version template on a wiki page associated with a star system, planet, moon, creature, flora, minerals, settlements, or base that has been marked as claimed by the civilization or company. In general it will be the second line on the wiki page, unless the wiki admins put something higher. The banner should preceed the stub template banner if the editor intends to keep a stub banner on the page.

A banner can be used on starship and multi-tool page even when the page is in a system/planet/moon that is not claimed by the civilization. If the civilization or company is the first to document the ship or tool then it can place the banner or the page. Alternatively if the system/planet/moon of the ship or multi-tool is in an existing major hub civilization, you may consider using that civilization's page banner instead.

There are special rules for regions as per the following section.

Special Use Case - Region Page Rules[]

In the past regions have been claimed by civilization/company at will and with no specific requirements. The wiki admin team recognizes this can be abused and is moving toward a system to deal with potential disputes over region claims in the future. For the present, we have not see a need to rigidly enforce an ownership rule on a region, and may be decided on a case by case basis by the wiki admin team in the event of concerns. The wiki admin team's decision on region claims will be final in such cases.

A banner for a civilization/company can be used on a region page IF:

  • The civilization/company has claimed the region
  • The civilization/company documented to some acceptable level of quality at least 20 star systems in that region
  • No other civilization/company has documented more star systems in the region
  • The region has not been a host to specific Community Expeditions which may have drawn hundreds of discoverers not part of the civilization/company

If there is a dispute or ambiguity on the claim to a region, the civilization/company should bring it to the attention of the wiki admin team before making changes to the wiki.

Alternative for Ineligible Civs/Companies[]

For a civilization/company that is not eligible to create a top wiki page banner, there are alternatives.

The wiki admin team can advise you on creating a wiki page footer that you can place on any of your civilization/company discovery or documentation pages. In general the rules are that the footer banner should not be large or complex, and does not feature large load/processing elements like complex graphics or cargo tables or other complex code. Contact an admin to get more advice on creating a footer element for your discovery pages if desired.

Any civilization/company that reaches civilized space recognition status on the Civilized space page will eligble to have a customized footer to add to your wiki discovery pages at will.

Legacy Pages[]

The wiki admin team recognizes that many legacy pages on the wiki do not conform to these rules. In general we will make efforts to update pages as we are editing and managing them, with particular emphasis on pages created since the Expeditions update. Earlier, older pages may or may not have legacy banners added or removed from them on a case by case basis. The wiki admin team does not plan to retroactively apply this policy on older legacy pages but may apply it selectively on pages of significant historical value.
