No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Interceptor update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 6 June, 2023.

Explained - Interceptor Ship Names is an explanation page.


With the Interceptor release, new ships have been introduced. These ships feature a Greek letter in their name, making the page creation process more difficult. We still want to follow the game with its naming, that means putting these Greek letters into the page title and on the page itself.

Note that the name on the ship scan can be different from the actual ship name. You can get the real name and the true stats only by claiming the ship, then reloading.

Determining the Letter[]

The game seems to only use lowercase letters. Here is a table with all possible letters and their full names for copy-pasting, according to wikipedia:

Letter Full Name
α Alpha
β Beta
γ Gamma
δ Delta
ε Epsilon
ζ Zeta
η Eta
θ Theta
ι Iota
κ Kappa
λ Lambda
μ Mu
ν Nu
ξ Xi
ο Omicron
π Pi
ρ Rho
σ/ς/ϲ Sigma
τ Tau
υ Upsilon
φ Phi
χ Chi
ψ Psi
ω Omega

How to Keep the Name Searchable[]

Since most editors can't easily write Greek letters, we will use a redirect to the actual name.


Let's say the name of the ship is β-Hope. This is the Greek letter "Beta". We will therefore create a redirect from Beta-Hope to the real page β-Hope. That makes it so it can still be searched by entering "Beta-Hope" into the search bar.

How to Create a Redirect[]

To create a redirect, create a new page from which should be redirected. Then put the following syntax on the page:

#REDIRECT [[Target Page]]

Replace the "Target Page" with the pagename to which should be redirected. So for the example above, we would write this on the "Beta-Hope" page:

#REDIRECT [[β-Hope]]

There is also a custom special page at Special:InterceptorRedirect that automates parts of the process and makes it easier to use. The link can be found under "InterceptorRedirect" in the wiki global navigation at the top, when you hover over the three dots. Note that you must have the interceptor redirect gadget activated in your gadget settings.
