No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Beyond update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 27 November, 2019.

Navigators are a type of macro used for quick navigation.


Navigators are a type of macro used in the No Man's Sky wiki, and are stored in the Template namespace. They are NOT visible on mobile devices, so other ways of presenting the information may need to be considered when designing your page.

Navs serve two main purposes:

  1. ) a way of jumping quickly to various star systems or planets within a specific region
  2. ) providing a quick overview of the discovered systems in a region

Adding a navigator to a page[]

If you wish to add an existing navigator to your page, following these three steps:

  1. ) find where the Categories are listed at the bottom of a region, star system, or planet page
  2. ) right before the list of categories, add a Navigator section
  3. ) enter the following text as part of that section and right before the list of categories (see the Name section below):

{{name of the navigator}}

Navigator controls - title bar[]

When you see a navigator on a page, there are several navigation tools you can use.

  • Left side - you will see the phrase V - T - E on the title bar of the nav. These links stand for View, Talk, and Edit, and correspond to the same options you see when editing a regular page. Note that these controls only work properly if the nav has the phrase "nav" at the end of the page name (see the Name parameter section below)
  • Center - the title of the nav is show here, with the name of the region or area acting as a link (see the Title parameter section below). If the navigator is referencing a faction, that name may also act as a link.
  • Right - If the navigator is designated as Collapsed (see the State parameter below) then the word [Show] or [Hide] will be displayed here to expand or collapse the nav. Otherwise, this area will be blank.

Code explanation[]

The basic format of a nav is as follows, using a nav for the Woforssonsi region as an example:

Typical navigator code

Name parameter[]

The name parameter provides the "page name" for the nav. This is the value you would include between double curly braces when you want to use it on a page.

For example, if you were creating a new navigator for the Woforssonsi region, you would use this name when creating the new page:

Template:Woforssonsi A nav

Note that the first part of a nav name is the name of the area (usually a region) involved, while the word "nav" in lower case must be the last part of the name. The letter in the middle may or may not be needed, based on how many navs are needed for a given region. For regions that separate their stars by Faction, the letter would be replaced by Gek, Korvax, or Vy'keen.

State parameter[]

The state parameter indicates if the navigator will be shown as uncollapsed (i.e. all the entries show on the page) or as collapsed (a single line shows with the word SHOW on the far right). If the nav contains a large number of entries, the "collapsed" value is often used.

Title parameter[]

The title parameter is the phrase that is shown on the navigator's title bar. The region name is enclosed in double-square brackets to create a link to the region in question

Group and List parameters[]

Each entry in the nav consists of two sections, the Group and the List. The two pieces are linked together based on their matching ID number, with the Group displaying in the left-hand column and the List displaying in the right.

Three items to take note of in regards to the ID number:

  1. ) the maximum number recognized is 30. Item numbers higher than 30 will be ignored.
  2. ) the ID number is used to determine the order the entries appear in the list, NOT the order they are physically listed in the code on the page
  3. ) when assigning your initial ID numbers, leave gaps between each set. This will make it easier to insert additional entries later
  • If you wish to have an entry act as a link, included it in double brackets
  • for region navigators, the Group contains the name of the star system, while the List contains the planets and moons associated with that star. As a matter of convention, the phrase "(moon)" is included after the name of any moon in the List
  • for ease in searching, the navigator should list the stars in alphabetic order. This may require some renumbering of the existing Group/List entries later to provide a slot for a new entry.
  • the separator between entries in the List section is " • ", which is simply the * character (asterisk) surrounded by double curly braces
  • if you know the number of planets in a system but not their names, provide placeholders using P1, P2, P3, etc. These can then be filled in later once the names are known.
  • if the system is known, but not how many planets, use the phrase unknown as the Group entry


| group1 = Adono 1D

| list1 = Kawirus 1D  •  Iguit 1D  •  Okten 1D  •  Yirma 1D (moon)

| group2 = Rachen 3B

| list2 = unknown

This will provide a row for the Adono 1D star system, along with its three planets and one moon called Yirma 1D. It will provide a second row for the Rachen 3B system, with an unknown set of planets.

Additional information[]

Once a navigator reaches 15-20 items, consider whether the navigator should be split in two for easier maintenance. The two most common method of splits are by faction or by letter of the alphabet (For example star systems from A-M in one navigator and those starting with N-Z in a second)
