No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Expeditions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 1 June, 2021.

Reference Guidelines is a policy page.


Reference Guidelines describes the standards for this wiki in regards to referencing/crediting an external source.

As noted in No Mans Sky Wiki:Explained - General Rules, Editing should be done to benefit the wiki community in general, and not to promote one organization or player over another.


  • Screen shots directly from the game should not be watermarked or user-tagged. They are the property of Hello Games.
  • Other graphics may contain a direct source reference/credit tag on the File: page of the image itself. They should not include a sourcing reference as part of the graphic itself.
  • Captions for screen shots should not contain sourcing references; the source is already known as Hello Games.
  • Source references for article text are discouraged unless the reference is to a specific quote.
  • YouTube and other videos should contain little or no advertising. If so, they can be embedded directly on the page. If they do contain ads, then an external link should be used.


Once information is uploaded to a public wiki, it becomes public property (unless copyrighted and noted as such). As such, it can be modified as necessary. Based on the guidelines above, the following policies will be used when pages are reviewed:

  • any submitted content that does not adhere to these guidelines will be either modified so that it does comply, or the content in question removed
  • as existing pages are modified or reviewed for other reasons, content not adhering to these guidelines will be modified at that time.

Additional information[]

These guidelines have been determined based on recommendations from the Gamepedia/FANDOM staff and the NMS wiki admin team.
