No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020.
This mineral article was catalogued by the Grand Conjunction of Aligned Systems.

Galaxy Euclid
Region Gwriginni Conflux
Star system Isaz ei'Folr
Planet Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr
Metal Content 40%
Formation Process High-Pressure
Notes Proto Cellular Structure
Primary element Ferrite Dust
Secondary element Dioxite
Mode Normal
Territory Grand Conjunction
Discovered by Ertosiangel
Discovery platform PC
Discovered on March 12, 2020
Updated ExoMech

Notmordite is a variety of mineral.

Summary[ | ]

Notmordite is a variety of mineral in the No Man's Sky universe.

It was discovered by scouts of the Grand Conjunction on March 12, 2020.

Alias names[ | ]

All Original: Notmordite
PC Current: Notmordite

Location[ | ]

It can be found on the planet Kaldr-Fjall mig'Vetr in the Isaz ei'Folr star system.

Additional information[ | ]

The mineral Notmordite should not be confused with the element Mordite as harvesting it only provides Ferrite Dust and Dioxite, not Mordite.

Gallery[ | ]
