No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the ExoMech update.
The information from this article is is up-to-date as of 10 June, 2020.
Galaxy Euclid
Quadrant Alpha
Galactic coords 01BB:007D:05AB:xxxx
Civilized space Helios Confederation of Independent Systems
Centre distance 684,461 light-years
Updated ExoMech

Nusophr is a region.

Summary[ | ]

Nusophr is a region in the Euclid galaxy in the No Man's Sky universe.

Documented Systems[ | ]

System Colour Economy Faction Planets Moons Platform Release
Baqenzemm Yellow Engineering Gek 1 0 Xbox Visions
Berith Yellow Metal Processing Korvax 6 0 Xbox Living Ship
Enxiez-Enogo II Green Metal Processing Korvax 2 1 Xbox Beyond
Jangka (HCIS) Red Uncharted 4 2 PS4 ExoMech
Jangka (PC) Red Uncharted 4 2 PC ExoMech
Jangka Red Uncharted 4 2 Xbox Beyond
Kaisium Yellow Mercantile Gek 4 2 Xbox Crossplay
Kamiyda Black Hole Construction Vy'keen 4 1 Xbox Synthesis
Lithanium Yellow Scientific Gek 2 3 Xbox Beyond
Racangdo (HCIS) Blue Power Generation Vy'keen 6 0 PS4 ExoMech
Racangdo Blue Power Generation Vy'keen 6 0 PC ExoMech
Racango Blue Power Generation Vy'keen 6 0 Xbox Beyond
Titania Green Engineering Gek 4 1 Xbox Synthesis
Tumenq Green Uncharted 3 3 Xbox Beyond

Neighbouring Regions[ | ]

''No documented neighbouring regions.''

Civilized Space[ | ]

This region is home to the Helios Confederation of Independent Systems.

Navigator[ | ]
