No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Visions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 13 August, 2019.

The subject of this article is from a previous version of No Man's Sky and is now considered obsolete.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorised.
Oxygen Capsule
Oxygen Capsule
Category Consumable
Type Portable Life Support Power
Total Value 350.0 Units
Updated Origins

Oxygen Capsule is a consumable product.

Summary[ | ]

Oxygen Capsule is a consumable product. It restores 100% of Life Support charge.

Game Description[ | ]

Stabilised and secure life support filtration gas.

Easily assembled from Oxygen and Ferrite Dust. Offers an efficient method for long-term life support power.

Source[ | ]

Oxygen Capsule cannot be crafted.

Original formula:

SUBSTANCE.AIR.1 Oxygen x25 + SUBSTANCE.LAND.1 Ferrite Dust x20 → Product.gel2 Oxygen Capsule

Use[ | ]


Oxygen Capsule is not used as an ingredient for crafting.


Oxygen Capsule is not used as an ingredient for refining using a Refiner.


Oxygen Capsule is not used as an ingredient for cooking using a Nutrient Processor.

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
