No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Companions update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 30 March, 2021.
Photon Cannon Upgrade
Photon Cannon Upgrade
Category Starship - Weapons
Type Generated Upgrade
Updated Companions
Disambig01 This article is about the procedural upgrades. For the core technology, see Photon Cannon.

Photon Cannon Upgrade is a starship technology Upgrade Module.

Summary[ | ]

Photon Cannon Upgrades, contained within Photon Cannon Modules, are procedurally generated upgrades granting bonuses to the starship's Photon Cannon.

Upgrade properties[ | ]

Photon Cannon Upgrades grant at least one of the following bonuses:

  • Upgradecat.timeHeat Dispersion: allows to fire the weapon continuously for longer before it overheats.
  • UPGRADECAT.SPEEDFire Rate: decreases the time between each shot.
  • Upgradecat.damageDamage: increases the damage of each shot. Bug: S-Class displayed damage bonus is 6-8%, which lower than the bonus used in combat calculations: 20-28%.






C Class B Class A Class S Class X Class
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max

(Damage Stats don't

appear as they should)

C/B 1-2

A 2-3

S 3

X 1-3

Fire Rate 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 3
Heat Dispersion 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4
Damage 8 16 12 20 16 24 20 (6) 28 (8) 8 32 (9)

Up to three Photon Cannon Upgrades can be installed in each inventory tab of the starship. Installing four or more upgrades in a given inventory tab will disable all upgrades of that type on that tab until the upgrade count is reduced to three or less.

Crafting[ | ]

Photon Cannon Upgrades can only be obtained from opening Photon Cannon Modules.

Photon Cannon Upgrade can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Photon Cannon Upgrade can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Installing[ | ]

Upgrade modules follow a static progression. The generation seed is used for all module families at the same time. During module installations it goes up by one. The new module they change into correlates to their order of installation. If the game is reloaded, the exact same pool will be offered to the player, no matter the order they install other modules.

Example: If an S-class module had 200 ly Hyperdrive Range bonus on the third installation no matter in what order the former modules are installed or their class, if the same S-class module is used third again, it will once again be the 200 ly bonus module even if the name changes. Only if used second or fourth the module stat may change.

Discovered Upgrade Modules[ | ]

ID value can be established by using NMSSaveEditor, and this is the "seed" that determines what bonuses this upgrade will provide.

S Class Photon Cannon Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Upgradecat.time
Heat Dispersion
Fire Rate
ID Screenshot
Asymmetric Accelerator +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Asymmetric Filament +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Asymmetric Resonator +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Chromatic Oscillator +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Chromatic Refractor +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Chromatic Splitter +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Continuous Wave Refractor +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Gamma Ray Amplifier +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Gamma Ray Filament +3% +3% +11% ? Link
Gamma Ray Refractor +3% +3% +11% ? Link
A Class Photon Cannon Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Upgradecat.time
Heat Dispersion
Fire Rate
ID Screenshot
B Class Photon Cannon Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Upgradecat.time
Heat Dispersion
Fire Rate
ID Screenshot
C Class Photon Cannon Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Upgradecat.time
Heat Dispersion
Fire Rate
ID Screenshot
X Class Photon Cannon Upgrades
Prefix Suffix Heat Dispersion Fire Rate Damage ID Screenshot
Outlawed Photonic Amplifier +4% +3% +9% 48604 -
Forbidden Cadmium Filament +4% +3% +9% 05214 -
Banned Evaporative Resonator +1% +3% +9% 66068 -

Additional information[ | ]

  • Upgrade bonuses trigger for Photon Cannon Upgrades if they are adjacent to Photon Cannon, Nonlinear Optics or each other, increasing their bonuses above listed values.

Bugs[ | ]

  • S-Class displayed damage bonus is 6-8%, which lower than the bonus used in combat calculations: 20-28%.

Release history[ | ]

  • NEXT - Added as a technology.
  • Synthesis - Damage bonus of S-class modules reduced from a max of 11% to 8%.

Gallery[ | ]
