No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the SentinelUp update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 12 April, 2022.
Plasma Launcher
Plasma Launcher
Category Multi-tool - Grenade
Type Explosive Grenades
Recharged with Unstable Plasma
Updated SentinelUp

The Plasma Launcher is a multi-tool component.

Summary[ | ]

The Plasma Launcher is a technology component of the multi-tool.

It causes massive amounts of damage against entities both living and robotic.

Game description[ | ]

High-impact projectile weapon. Launched plasma shells bounce off surfaces until their internal timer triggers a large explosion.

Charged with Unstable Plasma. Careless use can result in damage to user.

Press [secondary weapon fire control] to activate.

Build[ | ]

Plasma Launcher can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:

Plasma Launcher can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Plasma Launcher can be dismantled after construction, returning the following ingredients:

Upgrades[ | ]

Additional information[ | ]

  • It can store a maximum of 20 charges and can be recharged with Unstable Plasma.
  • Projectiles from the Plasma Launcher can detonate after either three (3) seconds of midair travel, by coming to a full rest on the ground beforehand, or by hitting a valid target.

Release history[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
