No Man's Sky Wiki

Player Titles are name modifiers.

Summary[ | ]

Player Titles are in-game exploration achievements that the player can acquire during their exploration of No Man's Sky.

The displayed Player Title can be selected from the full list of collected Titles in the 'Banners' tab in the Appearance Modifier, which can be found on stations, or built when the appropriate technology is unlocked.

Titles[ | ]

Titles are awarded under varying circumstances, and a player will normally have several to choose from.

Note: The Game ID column is the ID from the game files.

Pre-Order Title[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
*, Iteration 1 One of the original Travellers Pre-Order title T_OLD

Gek Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Hireling * Improve your standing with the Gek Impressed your first Gek Reach 1 standing point with the Gek T_TRA1
ToilGek * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 1 with the Gek Reach 3 standing points with the Gek T_TRA2
WorkGek * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 2 with the Gek Reach 8 standing points with the Gek T_TRA3
Friend * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 3 with the Gek Reach 14 standing points with the Gek T_TRA4
Overseer * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 4 with the Gek Reach 21 standing points with the Gek T_TRA5
Scent-Kin * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 5 with the Gek Reach 30 standing points with the Gek T_TRA6
Best Friend * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 6 with the Gek Reach 40 standing points with the Gek T_TRA7
*, the Most Favoured Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 7 with the Gek Reach 60 standing points with the Gek T_TRA8
Trade Lord * Improve your standing with the Gek Reached rank 8 with the Gek Reach 100 standing points with the Gek T_TRA9

Korvax Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Entity * Improve your standing with the Korvax Impressed your first Korvax Reach 1 standing point with the Korvax T_EXP1
Test Subject * Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 1 with the Korvax Reach 3 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP2
Technician Entity * Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 2 with the Korvax Reach 8 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP3
Respected Carapace * Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 3 with the Korvax Reach 14 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP4
The * Interface Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 4 with the Korvax Reach 21 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP5
Significance * Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 5 with the Korvax Reach 30 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP6
Pure Entity * Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 6 with the Korvax Reach 40 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP7
*, the Convergent Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 7 with the Korvax Reach 60 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP8
The Echo of * Improve your standing with the Korvax Reached rank 8 with the Korvax Reach 100 standing points with the Korvax T_EXP9
* the Watched ??? Tracked by the Korvax Unlocked by a random encounter with a Korvax Scavenger T_WATCHED

Vy'keen Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Conscript * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Impressed your first Vy'keen Reach 1 standing point with the Vy'keen T_WAR1
Liquidator * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 1 with the Vy'keen Reach 3 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR2
Flagbearer * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 2 with the Vy'keen Reach 8 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR3
Vy'keen-at-Arms * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 3 with the Vy'keen Reach 14 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR4
Enemy Slayer * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 4 with the Vy'keen Reach 21 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR5
Preceptor * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 5 with the Vy'keen Reach 30 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR6
Adjutant * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 6 with the Vy'keen Reach 40 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR7
Templar * Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 7 with the Vy'keen Reach 60 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR8
*, Hand of the Vy'keen Improve your standing with the Vy'keen Reached rank 8 with the Vy'keen Reach 100 standing points with the Vy'keen T_WAR9

Autophage Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Deleted-Entity * Improve your standing with the Autophage Encountered your first Autophage Reach 1 standing point with the Autophage T_BUI1
Pre-Built Entity * Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 1 with the Autophage Reach 3 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI2
*, the Returner Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 2 with the Autophage Reach 8 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI3
*, the Reclaimed Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 3 with the Autophage Reach 14 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI4
Machinist * Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 4 with the Autophage Reach 21 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI5
*, the Disruptor Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 5 with the Autophage Reach 30 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI6
Artificer * Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 6 with the Autophage Reach 40 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI7
* of the Void-Eyes Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 7 with the Autophage Reach 60 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI8
Wild Spark * Improve your standing with the Autophage Reached rank 8 with the Autophage Reach 100 standing points with the Autophage T_BUI9

Merchants Guild Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Messenger * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Completed your first Merchants Guild assignment Reach 1 standing point with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD1
Agent * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 1 with the Merchants Guild Reach 3 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD2
Envoy * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 2 with the Merchants Guild Reach 8 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD3
Broker * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 3 with the Merchants Guild Reach 14 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD4
Manager * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 4 with the Merchants Guild Reach 21 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD5
Diplomat * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 5 with the Merchants Guild Reach 30 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD6
Consul * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 6 with the Merchants Guild Reach 40 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD7
Director * Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 7 with the Merchants Guild Reach 60 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD8
* the Magnificent Improve your standing with the Merchants Guild Reached rank 8 with the Merchants Guild Reach 100 standing points with the Merchants Guild T_TRA_GUILD9

Explorers Guild Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Candidate * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Completed your first Explorers Guild assignment Reach 1 standing point with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD1
Pupil * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 1 with the Explorers Guild Reach 3 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD2
Apprentice * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 2 with the Explorers Guild Reach 8 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD3
Scholar * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 3 with the Explorers Guild Reach 14 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD4
* the Studious Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 4 with the Explorers Guild Reach 21 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD5
Academician * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 5 with the Explorers Guild Reach 30 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD6
Instructor * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 6 with the Explorers Guild Reach 40 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD7
Professor * Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 7 with the Explorers Guild Reach 60 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD8
*, Guardian of Knowledge Improve your standing with the Explorers Guild Reached rank 8 with the Explorers Guild Reach 100 standing points with the Explorers Guild T_EXP_GUILD9

Mercenaries Guild Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Mercenary * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Completed your first Mercenaries Guild assignment Reach 1 standing point with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD1
Ensign * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 1 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 3 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD2
Enforcer * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 2 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 8 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD3
Warrior * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 3 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 14 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD4
Guard * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 4 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 21 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD5
Prefect * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 5 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 30 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD6
Commandant * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 6 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 40 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD7
Marshal * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 7 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 60 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD8
Aegis * Improve your standing with the Mercenaries Guild Reached rank 8 with the Mercenaries Guild Reach 100 standing points with the Mercenaries Guild T_WAR_GUILD9

Outlaws Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Bilge Rat * Improve your standing with the Outlaws Reached rank 1 with the Outlaws Reach 5 standing points with the Outlaws T_PIR_STAND1
Privateer * Improve your standing with the Outlaws Reached rank 2 with the Outlaws Reach 12 standing points with the Outlaws T_PIR_STAND2
Dread-Pirate * Improve your standing with the Outlaws Reached rank 7 with the Outlaws Reach 100 standing points with the Outlaws T_PIR_STAND3
*, Admiral of the Black Improve your standing with the Outlaws Reached maximum rank with the Outlaws Reach 150 standing points with the Outlaws T_PIR_STAND4
Deadeye * Complete more starship bounties Reached rank 8 for starship bounties Complete 35 bounties T_BOUNTY1
Star Wolf * Complete more starship bounties Reached maximum rank for starship bounties Complete 40 bounties T_BOUNTY2
*, the Nuisance Plunder additional traders Reached rank 2 for merchants plundered Kill 5 [Confirmation Needed] trader starships T_RAIDER1
*, the Most Wanted Plunder additional traders Reached rank 7 for merchants plundered Kill 30 trader starships T_RAIDER2
*, Wings of Peril Plunder additional traders Reached rank 8 for merchants plundered Kill 40 trader starships* T_RAIDER3
*, Lord of Plunder Plunder additional traders Reached maximum rank for merchants plundered Kill 35 trader starships* T_RAIDER4

* Due to a bug, the *, Wings of Peril and *, Lord of Plunder titles unlock in the wrong order.

Galaxy Titles[ | ]

Visit a galaxy to append the galaxy name to player name (only the first 10 galaxies):

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
* of Euclid Journey through the centre of the Galaxy - Unlocked by default T_REALITY1
* of Hilbert Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Hilbert Travel to the Hilbert Dimension T_REALITY2
* of Calypso Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Calypso Travel to the Calypso galaxy T_REALITY3
* of Hesperius Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Hesperius Travel to the Hesperius galaxy T_REALITY4
* of Hyades Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Hyades Travel to the Hyades galaxy T_REALITY5
* of Ickjamatew Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Ickjamatew Travel to the Ickjamatew galaxy T_REALITY6
* of Budullangr Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Budullangr Travel to the Budullangr galaxy T_REALITY7
* of Kikolgallr Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Kikolgallr Travel to the Kikolgallr galaxy T_REALITY8
* of Eltiensleen Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Eltiensleen Travel to the Eltiensleen galaxy T_REALITY9
* of Eissentam Journey through the centre of the Galaxy Made the journey to Eissentam Travel to the Eissentam galaxy T_REALITY10

Lore/Exploration Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Pilgrim * Visit a special system Visited the Galactic Hub Visit this system in Euclid: 006AFA556C30006AFA556C30 T_HUB_VISIT
Titan * ??? Traced a fallen Traveller Finish the Base Computer Archives quest line T_LORE1
Vision-Master * Feel the spirits of the Gek Learned from the Gek monoliths Interact with 20 Monoliths in Gek systems T_LORE2
*, the Boundary Walker Discover a strange world Discovered a strange planet Discover an Exotic planet T_LORE3
*, the Singularity ??? Met the Atlas Visit an Atlas Interface and speak with the Atlas T_LORE4
*, Atlas-Speaker ??? Saved by the Atlas Go through the portal in the 16 / 16 story mission T_LORE5
Oracle * Feel the judgement of the Echoes Learned from the Korvax monoliths Interact with 19 monoliths in Korvax systems T_LORE6
Augur * Feel the wrath of the Vy'keen Learned from the Vy'keen monoliths Interact with 20 monoliths in Vy'keen systems T_LORE7
*, Warden of Glass ??? Remembered Finish the Artemis Storyline T_LORE8
Voyager * Travel to a rare star system Visited a rare star system Visit an Abandoned System T_LORE9
The Reflection of * ??? Met an apparition Interact with a Traveller Grave T_LORE10
* the Corrupted Retrieve the decayed records of 'The Crimson Orb' Retrieved the decayed records of 'The Crimson Orb' Interact with six terminals from Abandoned Buildings for 'The Crimson Orb' story T_ABANDLORE1
* the Shattered Retrieve the decayed records of 'The World of Glass' Retrieved the decayed records of 'The World of Glass' Interact with twelve terminals from Abandoned Buildings for 'The World of Glass' story (after completing 'The Crimson Orb' story) T_ABANDLORE2
* the Warned Retrieve decayed recordings from a long-dead Traveller Retrieved the decayed records of 'Odvinsko' Interact with six terminals from Abandoned Buildings for 'Odvinsko' story (after completing 'The World of Glass' story) T_ABANDLORE3
* the Abandoned Retrieve decayed recordings from a long-dead Traveller Retrieved the decayed records of 'The Voice' Interact with eight terminals from Abandoned Buildings for 'The Voice' story (after completing 'Odvinsko' story) T_ABANDLORE4
* the Forgiven Look upon the First Spawn Uncovered the story of the Gek from their plaques Interact with 30 plaques in Gek systems T_TRA_LORE
* Prime Know the pain of the Echoes Uncovered the story of the Korvax from their records Interact with 33 plaques in Korvax systems T_EXP_LORE
*, Priest of Nal Know the sacrifice of Nal Understood the heresy of Nal Interact with 10 plaques in Vy'keen systems T_WAR_LORE1
*, Priest of Hirk Meet the challenge of Hirk Learned the fate of Hirk Interact with 30 plaques in Vy'keen systems T_WAR_LORE2
The * of Glass See through Telemon's eyes Listened to Telamon's tale Interact with 31 Boundary Failures T_TELAMON

Story Mission Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Interstellar Traveller * Travel unconventionally Travelled through a Black Hole Fly through a black hole T_BLACK_HOL
*, the Divergent ??? Concluded Nada & Polo's story Finish the "The Space Anomaly" mission T_NADAPOLO
*, Traveller of the Atlas ??? Concluded Artemis' story Finish the The Purge mission T_ARTEMIS
*, Seeder of Worlds ??? Completed the Atlas Path Install the Star Seed into your exosuit T_ATLASPATH
*, the Timeless ??? Refused to reset the simulation Refuse the Atlas at the end of the Artemis storyline T_NO_RESET
*, Defier of Creation ??? Refused the call of the Atlas Don't input seeds at the end of The Atlas Path (install the Herectic Core into your exosuit), refuse the Atlas T_ATLASDENY
*, the Last ??? Reset the simulation for the Atlas Reset Simulation at the end of the Artemis storyline T_RESET
Manifestation of * ??? Rebound space and time for the Autophage Finish the In Stellar Multitudes storyline T_PURPM
Portal-Adept * Access the Portal network Made your first trip through a Portal Use a portal to teleport to another location T_PORTAL

Optional Side/Story Mission Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Conservator * Perform a rescue operation Rescued a stranded pilot Help a stranded pilot by repairing their ship T_CRASHED_SHIP
Chef * Impress Cronus Impressed Cronus Give food to Iteration: Cronus T_CHEF
* of the Depths Search beneath the waves Solved an abyssal mystery Finish the Dreams of the Deep mission T_ABYSS
*, Pillar of Light Explore the darkest of derelicts Braved the darkest of derelicts Sell the Captain's Log to the Guild Envoy after clearing a derelict freighter T_SPOOKY1
* the Doomed Explore the darkest of derelicts Braved the darkest of derelicts Sell the Captain's Log to the Scrap Dealer after clearing a derelict freighter T_SPOOKY2
Overlord * Become Overseer of a planetary settlement Became Overseer of a planetary settlement Claim a Planetary Settlement T_MAYOR
Drone-Friend * Reconstruct a Sentinel mystery Fully reassembled a loyal drone Fully re-assemble Laylaps T_DRONEFRIEND
Hive Lord * Breach the archives at a Sentinel Pillar Downloaded the complete archives from a Sentinel Pillar Interact with 23 Sentinel Pillars T_HIVELORE
Glorious Survivor * Follow a strange voice Reached the Promised Star Finished one of the two outcomes for the Under a Rebel Star mission T_PIRATEMISS
Traitor * Reject a strange voice Denounced the Voice of Freedom Report the pirates to the system authorities at a specific space station core during the end of the Under a Rebel Star mission in order to betray the outlaw faction and clear the interrogation T_PIRATE_BETRAY
Heretic * Accept a strange voice Sung with the Voice of Freedom Turn in the Forged Passport given by the outlaw faction to a specific space station core during the end of the Under a Rebel Star mission in order to hide from the system authorities and bypass the interrogation T_PIRATE_HIDE
* the Dissonant Battle the corrupted swarm Fought the corrupted Sentinels Kill 80 corrupted sentinels T_CORRUPT_SENT1
* the Harmonious Destroy Dissonance Resonators Destroyed corrupted machinery Complete a "Destroy Dissonance Resonators" mission from The Nexus T_CORRUPT_SENT2
*, Crimson Hearted Submit to the creator Submitted to the creator Complete the "Autophage Story" mission by choosing "Submit" T_ROBOMISS1
*, Atlantid-Walker Defy the creator Defied the creator Complete the "Autophage Story" mission by choosing "Defy" T_ROBOMISS2
*, Atlas Whisperer Comfort an unfathomable mind Comforted an unfathomable mind Complete the "Autophage Story" mission by choosing "Comfort" T_ROBOMISS3
*, the Roach Hunt the Vile Brood Slew the Vile Brood Find planets with 'Vile Brood Detected.' Collect Juicy Grubs. Use or destroy the item to spawn the Brood. Fight & Defeat Brood Mothers T_BUGHUNT1
*, the Winged Hunter Hunt the Vile Brood Slew the Vile Brood Find planets with 'Vile Brood Detected.' Collect Juicy Grubs. Use or destroy the item to spawn the Brood. Fight & Defeat Brood Mothers T_BUGHUNT4
*, the Phosphorescent Hunt the Vile Brood Slew the Vile Brood Find planets with 'Vile Brood Detected.' Collect Juicy Grubs. Use or destroy the item to spawn the Brood. Fight & Defeat Brood Mothers T_BUGHUNT3
Brood Mother, * Hunt the Vile Brood Slew the Vile Brood Find planets with 'Vile Brood Detected.' Collect Juicy Grubs. Use or destroy the item to spawn the Brood. Fight & Defeat Brood Mothers T_BUGHUNT2

Multiplayer Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
*, Rift-Walker Explore Together Joined with other Travellers for a special mission Complete a weekend mission T_WEEKEND
* the Generous ??? Gave a gift to another Traveller Drop an item to another player T_GIFT
* of the Collective Contribute to a greater effort Contributed to a Community Research Project Complete quicksilver missions for the community research T_GOAL

Game Mode Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
* the Survivor Breathe Deep Reached the centre of the galaxy in Survival Mode Reach the centre or finish the Artemis story and reset the simulation in Survival mode T_CENTRE_SURV
* the Immortal Live Forever Reached the centre of the galaxy in Permadeath Mode Reach the centre or finish the Artemis story and reset the simulation in Permadeath mode T_CENTRE_PERMA

Companion Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Creature Lover * Adopt an animal companion Adopted an animal companion Feed a creature and adopt it T_PET1
Creature Breeder * Encourage several animal companions to lay eggs Encouraged an animal companion to lay an egg Collect 4 companion eggs from animal companions T_PET2
Gene-Splicer * Re-sequence the genetics of a creature egg Re-sequenced the genetics of a creature egg Use the Egg Sequencer to modify a companion egg T_PET3

Milestone-Based Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Nomad * Continue exploring on foot Walked 20,000u Walk 20,000u T_JM_WALK1
* the Walker Continue exploring on foot Walked 40,000u Walk 40,000u T_JM_WALK2
Wayfinder * Continue exploring on foot Walked 100,000u Walk 100,000u T_JM_WALK3
Guest * Meet more alien lifeforms Met 50 lifeforms Meet 50 alien lifeforms in space stations and on trading posts T_JM_CHAT1
Emissary * Meet more alien lifeforms Met 100 lifeforms Meet 100 alien lifeforms in space stations and on trading posts T_JM_CHAT2
Ambassador * Meet more alien lifeforms Met 150 lifeforms Meet 150 alien lifeforms in space stations and on trading posts T_JM_CHAT3
Word-Collector * Learn how to translate more words Learned 60 words Learn 60 words from knowledge stones or by asking NPCs T_JM_WORD1
* the Learned Learn how to translate more words Learned 120 words Learn 120 words from knowledge stones or by asking NPCs T_JM_WORD2
Lorekeeper * Learn how to translate more words Learned 180 words Learn 180 words from knowledge stones or by asking NPCs T_JM_WORD3
Trader * Earn additional units Held 10,000,000 units Hold 10,000,000 Units at one time T_JM_UNITS1
Merchant * Earn additional units Held 50,000,000 units Hold 50,000,000 Units at one time T_JM_UNITS2
Tycoon * Earn additional units Held 100,000,000 units Hold 100,000,000 Units at one time T_JM_UNITS3
Master Pilot * Defeat more starships in combat Vanquished 25 hostile starships Kill 25 pirates T_JM_SHIPS1
Starfighter * Defeat more starships in combat Vanquished 75 hostile starships Kill 75 pirates T_JM_SHIPS2
Wing Commander * Defeat more starships in combat Vanquished 150 hostile starships Kill 150 pirates T_JM_SHIPS3
* the Wanted Destroy more Sentinels Defeated 25 Sentinels Kill 25 Sentinels T_JM_FIGHT1
Sentinel Hunter * Destroy more Sentinels Defeated 75 Sentinels Kill 75 Sentinels T_JM_FIGHT2
Aeron-Scourge * Destroy more Sentinels Defeated 150 Sentinels Kill 150 Sentinels T_JM_FIGHT3
* the Robust Survive on an extreme world without taking shelter Survived 12 sols (3 hours) on an extreme world in one continous adventure Survive 12 sols (1 sol = 15 minutes real time) on an extreme planet T_JM_SURVIVE1
* the Determined Survive on an extreme world without taking shelter Survived 30 sols (7.5 hours) on an extreme world in one continous adventure Survive 30 sols (1 sol = 15 minutes real time) on an extreme planet T_JM_SURVIVE2
* the Undaunted Survive on an extreme world without taking shelter Survived 48 sols (12 hours) on an extreme world in one continous adventure Survive 48 sols (1 sol = 15 minutes real time) on an extreme planet T_JM_SURVIVE3
Scout * Explore more star systems Visited 15 systems Warp to 15 star systems T_JM_EXPLORE1
Navigator * Explore more star systems Visited 40 systems Warp to 40 star systems T_JM_EXPLORE2
* the Cartographer lore more star systems Visited 100 systems Warp to 100 star systems T_JM_EXPLORE3
Field Agent * Scan more planetary creatures Discovered 30 planetary species Scan 30 creatures T_JM_ZOO1
Ranger * Scan more planetary creatures Discovered 60 planetary species Scan 60 creatures T_JM_ZOO2
Xenobiologist * Scan more planetary creatures Discovered 100 planetary species Scan 100 creatures T_JM_ZOO3
Farmer * Harvest more plants Harvested 40 cultivated plants Plant and harvest 40 crops T_JM_FARM1
Soilmaster * Harvest more plants Harvested 80 cultivated plants Plant and harvest 80 crops T_JM_FARM2
Analyst * Scan more rare discoveries Scanned 10 rare plants and animals Scan 10 rare flora and fauna T_JM_RARESCAN1
Researcher * Scan more rare discoveries Scanned 25 rare plants and animals Scan 25 rare flora and fauna T_JM_RARESCAN2
Archivist * Scan more rare discoveries Scanned 50 rare plants and animals Scan 50 rare flora and fauna T_JM_RARESCAN3
Prospector * Scan more rock formations Scanned 50 minerals Scan 50 rocks T_JM_MINSCAN1
Geologist * Scan more rock formations Scanned 100 minerals Scan 100 rocks T_JM_MINSCAN2
Seedling * Scan more planetary flora Scanned 30 unique plants Scan 30 plants T_JM_FLORASCAN1
Botanist * Scan more planetary flora Scanned 60 unique plants Scan 60 plants T_JM_FLORASCAN2
Flower-Kin * Scan more planetary flora Scanned 100 unique plants Scan 100 plants T_JM_FLORASCAN3
* the Builder Expand your base Placed 50 base parts Use the build menu to build 50 parts T_BUILDER1
* the Constructor Expand your base Placed 100 base parts Use the build menu to build 100 parts T_BUILDER2
Master Architect * Expand your base Placed 200 base parts Use the build menu to build 200 parts T_BUILDER3
Captain * Expand your freighter fleet Owned a fleet of 2 frigates Recruit 2 frigates T_FLEET1
Commodore * Expand your freighter fleet Owned a fleet of 15 frigates Recruit 15 frigates T_FLEET2
Admiral * Expand your freighter fleet Owned a fleet of 30 frigates Recruit 30 frigates T_FLEET3
* the Bones Search for preserved skeletons Excavated 3 skeletons Collect 3 Ancient Bones T_BONES1
* the Collector Search for preserved skeletons Excavated 20 skeletons Collect 20 Ancient Bones T_BONES2
Curator * Search for preserved skeletons Excavated 50 skeletons Collect 50 Ancient Bones T_BONES3
Raider * Investigate ancient ruins Claimed 1 treasure from beneath ruins Open the Large Artifact Crate in the middle of a buried ruin T_DIG1
Historian * Investigate ancient ruins Claimed 10 treasures Open 10 Large Artifact Crates in the middle of buried ruins T_DIG2
Archaeologist * Investigate ancient ruins Claimed 30 treasures Open 30 Large Artifact Crates in the middle of buried ruins T_DIG3
Scavenger * Collect salvage from derelict freighters Salvaged 1 derelict freighters Loot a derelict freighter you get from an Emergency Broadcast Receiver T_SALVAGE1
Scrap Dealer * Collect salvage from derelict freighters Salvaged 10 derelicts Loot 10 derelict freighters you get from an Emergency Broadcast Receiver T_SALVAGE2
Salvager * Collect salvage from derelict freighters Salvaged 25 derelicts Loot 25 derelict freighters you get from an Emergency Broadcast Receiver T_SALVAGE3

Ship/Exocraft Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
* the Explorer Find the perfect Explorer Own an S-Class Explorer Buy an S-Class Explorer Starship T_SHIP_SCI
Ace * Find the perfect Fighter Own an S-Class Fighter Buy an S-Class Fighter Starship T_SHIP_FIGHT
Heavy Duty * Find the perfect Hauler Own an S-Class Hauler Buy an S-Class Hauler Starship T_SHIP_DROP
Reliable * Find the perfect Shuttle Own an S-Class Shuttle Buy an S-Class Shuttle Starship T_SHIP_SHUTTLE
Perfect * Find an Exotic starship Own an Exotic starship Buy an Exotic Starship T_SHIP_EXOTIC
Pilot * Own an Exo-Mech Owned an Exo-Mech Build the Minotaur Geobay T_MECH
*, Starborn ??? Partner with a sentient Starship Complete the Starbirth quest T_SHIP_ALIEN

Quicksilver-Related Titles[ | ]

All titles in this section are earned for community effort.

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Citizen Scientist * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP1
Dreamer * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP2
Anomaly * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP3
Traveller-Friend * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP4
Friend-Entity * Unlock with Quicksilver Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP5
Kindred * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP6
Like-Traveller * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP7
Lonely * Unlock with Quicksilver Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP8
Every * Procedural ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP9
*, the First ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP10
* the Last ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP11
The Notorious * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP12
Solo Traveller * ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP13
*, friend of Polo ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP14
*, friend of Nada ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP15
*, friend of Ariadne ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP16
*, friend of Gemini Unlock with Quicksilver Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP17
*, friend of Mercury ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP18
*, friend of Tethys ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP19
*, friend of Hesperus Unlock with Quicksilver Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP20
Simulated * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP21
Unknown * ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP22
No Man's * ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP23
Interloper * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP24
* the Exotic ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP25
* the Volcanic ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP26
Swamp-Dweller * ??? Earned for community effort Buy at the quicksilver shop in the anomaly T_SHOP27
* the 16th ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP28
* #4924 ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP29
Photographer * ??? Earned for community effort Currently unavailable T_SHOP30

Expeditions Titles[ | ]

Earned by completing expeditions.

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Pioneer * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 1: The Pioneers T_EXPD1
Renegade * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing all 5 phases of Expedition 2: Beachhead T_EXPD2A
Paragon * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing all 5 phases of Expedition 2: Beachhead T_EXPD2B
Globemaster * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 3: Cartographers T_EXPD3
Worm Lord * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 4: Emergence T_EXPD4
Exobiologist * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 5: Exobiology T_EXPD5
*, Hunter of the Blight ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 6: The Blighted T_EXPD6
Looper * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 7: Leviathan T_EXPD7
*, the Seeker ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 8: Polestar T_EXPD8
Utopia Dignitary * ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 9: Utopia T_EXPD9
*, the Construct ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 10: Singularity T_EXPD10
*, the Intrepid ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 11: Voyagers T_EXPD11
*, the Starborn ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 12: Omega T_EXPD12
*, the Drifter ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 13: Adrift T_EXPD13
*, the Broodling ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 14: Liquidators T_EXPD14
*, the Fisher ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 15: Aquarius T_EXPD15
*, The Haunted ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 16: The Cursed T_EXPD16
*, Surveyor Of Worlds ??? Earned for Expedition accomplishments Earned for completing Phase 5 of Expedition 17: Titan T_EXPD17

Fishing Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
*, Child of Aquarius Survive the boiling seas... Released a haunted fish Catch and release a 'Child of Aquarius' and defeat the 'Deepwater Guardian' boss. It's an un-catalogued jellyfish (random catch in all biomes). Also unlocks Jellyfish Tank helmet. T_JELLYBOSS
Fishmonger * Sell large amounts of fish Took a hefty catch to market Sell fish (uncertain of number of units). Also unlocks Shrimp Tank helmet. T_FISHCASH
*, the Angler Catch a lot of fish Caught 250 fish Catch fish. Also unlocks Sailfin Tank helmet. T_FISHING1
*, Friend of the Ocean Catch and release fish Released 60 fish to the water Release fish. Also unlocks Deepwater Hunter Tank helmet. T_FISHFREE
* of the Old River Catch every legendary fish Caught every legendary fish Catch all legendary fish from all biomes (including new biomes from purple systems). Also unlocks Squid Tank helmet. T_FISHLEGEND
Wet Boots * Haul in a lot of footwear Hauled in a lot of footwear Catch 5 boots from fishing in shallow water with no bait. Also unlocks the Floating Boot Helmet. T_FISHBOOT

Death-Related Titles[ | ]

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
* the Incinerated ??? Iteration reset by extreme heat Die by heat T_DEATH1
* the Frozen ??? Iteration reset by extreme cold Die by coldness T_DEATH2
* the Irradiated ??? Iteration reset by overwhelming radiation Die by radiation T_DEATH3
* the Corroded ??? Iteration reset by toxic consumption Die by toxicity T_DEATH4
* the Hunted ??? Iteration reset by adverse fauna interaction Get killed by an animal T_DEATH5
* the Drowned ??? Iteration reset by asphyxiation Die by drowing underwater T_DEATH6
* the Exhausted ??? Iteration reset by life support failure Die from empty life support T_DEATH7
* the Purified ??? Iteration reset by Sentinel extermination Get killed by a Sentinel T_DEATH8
* the Unfortunate ??? Iteration reset by catastrophic accident Die by your own Plasma Launcher or Geology Cannon T_DEATH9
* the Reckless ??? Iteration reset by overconfidence Die by fall damage T_DEATH10
* the Consumed ??? Iteration reset by unspeakable entity Get killed by a Biological Horror T_DEATH11

Advanced Ranks Milestone Titles[ | ]

New titles were added with Update 4.10 (Fractal) to expand on the revamped Journey Milestones introduced in Update 4.00 (Waypoint).

Title Pre-Unlock-Description Unlocked Description How to unlock Game ID
Connoisseur * Advance your rank in the Rare Treasures milestone Advanced ranks in the Rare Treasures milestone Reach the 5th rank tier in Rare Treasures milestone T_MS_PPROD_5
Treasure Hunter * Advance your rank in the Rare Treasures milestone Advanced ranks in the Rare Treasures milestone Reach 7th rank tier in Rare Treasures milestone T_MS_PPROD_7
Annihilator * Advance your rank in the Horrors Eliminated milestone Advanced ranks in the Horrors Eliminated milestone Reach 7th rank tier in Horrors Eliminated milestone T_MS_FIEND_7
*, Face of Death Advance your rank in the Horrors Eliminated milestone Advanced ranks in the Horrors Eliminated milestone Reach 9th rank tier in Horrors Eliminated milestone T_MS_FIEND_9
Ecologist * Advance your rank in the Plants Catalogued milestone Advanced ranks in the Plants Catalogued milestone Reach 4th rank tier in Plants Catalogued milestone T_MS_FLORA_4
Exobotanist * Advance your rank in the Plants Catalogued milestone Advanced ranks in the Plants Catalogued milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Plants Catalogued milestone T_MS_FLORA_8
Impossibly Fragmented * Advance your rank in the Nanites Clusters milestone Advanced ranks in the Nanites Clusters milestone Reach 6th rank tier in Nanites Clusters milestone T_MS_NANITES_4
*, Awash with Foam Advance your rank in the Nanites Clusters milestone Advanced ranks in the Nanites Clusters milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Nanites Clusters milestone T_MS_NANITES_8
Master Smuggler * Advance your rank in the Goods Smuggled milestone Advanced ranks in the Goods Smuggled milestone Reach 7th rank tier in Smuggling Run milestone T_MS_SMUGGLE_7
Uncatchable * Advance your rank in the Goods Smuggled milestone Advanced ranks in the Goods Smuggled milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Smuggling Run milestone T_MS_SMUGGLE_8
* the Battle Hardened Advance your rank in the Walkers Killed milestone Advanced ranks in the Walkers Killed milestone Reach 5th rank tier in Walkers Destroyed milestone T_MS_WALKERS_5
Hunter-Killer * Advance your rank in the Walkers Killed milestone Advanced ranks in the Walkers Killed milestone Reach 7th rank tier in Walkers Destroyed milestone T_MS_WALKERS_7
Trailblazer * Advance your rank in the Space Exploration milestone Advanced ranks in the Space Exploration milestone Reach 1st rank tier in Space Exploration milestone T_MS_WARPS_1
* the Discoverer Advance your rank in the Space Exploration milestone Advanced ranks in the Space Exploration milestone Reach 9th rank tier in Space Exploration milestone T_MS_WARPS_9
Conversationalist * Advance your rank in the Words Collected milestone Advanced ranks in the Words Collected milestone Reach 4th rank tier in Words Collected milestone T_MS_WORDS_4
Linguist * Advance your rank in the Words Collected milestone Advanced ranks in the Words Collected milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Words Collected milestone T_MS_WORDS_4
Farmhand * Advance your rank in the Plants Farmed milestone Advanced ranks in the Plants Farmed milestone Reach 1st rank tier in Plants Farmed milestone T_MS_PLANTS_1
Agriculturist * Advance your rank in the Plants Farmed milestone Advanced ranks in the Plants Farmed milestone Reach 4th rank tier in Plants Farmed milestone T_MS_PLANTS_4
Cropmaster * Advance your rank in the Plants Farmed milestone Advanced ranks in the Plants Farmed milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Plants Farmed milestone T_MS_PLANTS_8
Compiler * Advance your rank in the Rare Fauna milestone Advanced ranks in the Rare Fauna milestone Reach 5th rank tier in Rare Fauna milestone T_MS_SCANNER_5
Zoologist * Advance your rank in the Rare Fauna milestone Advanced ranks in the Rare Fauna milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Rare Fauna milestone T_MS_SCANNER_8
* the Menace Advance your rank in the Ships Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Ships Destroyed milestone This might have replaced the Kill Pirates milestones T_JM_SHIPS1
* the Legend Advance your rank in the Ships Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Ships Destroyed milestone This might have replaced the Kill Pirates milestones T_JM_SHIPS2
[Missing Ship] Advance your rank in the Ships Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Ships Destroyed milestone Not currently shown in the game T_JM_SHIPS3
* the Undying Advance your rank in the Sentinels Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Sentinels Destroyed milestone Reach 6th rank tier in Sentinels Destroyed milestone T_MS_SENT_6
Crusader * Advance your rank in the Sentinels Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Sentinels Destroyed milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Sentinels Destroyed milestone T_MS_SENT_8
*, Destroyer of Glass Advance your rank in the Sentinels Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Sentinels Destroyed milestone Reach 10th rank tier in Sentinels Destroyed milestone T_MS_SENT_10
Wayfarer * Advance your rank in the On-foot Exploration milestone Advanced ranks in the On-foot Exploration milestone Reach 4th rank tier in On-foot Exploration milestone T_MS_DIST_4
Adventurer * Advance your rank in the On-foot Exploration milestone Advanced ranks in the On-foot Exploration milestone Reach 10th rank tier in On-foot Exploration milestone T_MS_DIST_10
Entrepreneur * Advance your rank in the Units Accrued milestone Advanced ranks in the Units Accrued milestone Reach 6th rank tier in On-foot Exploration milestone T_MS_MONEY_6
Magnate * Advance your rank in the Units Accrued milestone Advanced ranks in the Units Accrued milestone Reach 10th rank tier in On-foot Exploration milestone T_MS_MONEY_10
Indefatigable * Advance your rank in the Extreme Survival milestone Advanced ranks in the Extreme Survival milestone Reach 8th rank tier in Extreme Survival milestone T_MS_LIFE_EX_8
Everlasting * Advance your rank in the Extreme Survival milestone Advanced ranks in the Extreme Survival milestone Reach 10th rank tier in Extreme Survival milestone T_MS_LIFE_EX_10
* the Menace Advance your rank in the Ships Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Ships Destroyed milestone Reach 6th rank tier in Ships Destroyed milestone T_MS_ENEMIES_6
* the Legend Advance your rank in the Ships Destroyed milestone Advanced ranks in the Ships Destroyed milestone Reach 10th rank tier in Ships Destroyed milestone T_MS_ENEMIES_10

Additional Information[ | ]

  • Unlock conditions for "The Robust", "The Determined", "The Undaunted" titles are labelled incorrectly in-game. They are said to take 7,200, 18,000, 28,800 seconds respectively, or 8, 20, 32 sols. However, they actually take 10,800, 27,000, 43,200 seconds, or 12, 30, 48 sols.
  • The "Friend of ..." titles are not available as of the Sentinel Update. They were added with the Desolation update, but never available for purchase.
  • The "*, Rift-Walker" Title can no longer be unlocked. It was earned for completing any of the Weekend missions during Series 1 or Series 2.
  • The default title is "T_DEFAULT". It just displays the player name.
  • Information extracted from the 5.05 version of the PLAYERTITLEDATA.MBIN game file.