No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from a pre-release seed. The information on this page cannot be found in the released game.
The information from this article is kept for historical purposes and should not be further categorized.
Description Game version prior to release
Platform PS4
Updated Pre-release

Pre-release refers to the various demos and game builds of No Man's Sky made before the actual release of the game.

Summary[ | ]

Prior to the release of No-Man's Sky in August 2016, there were a number of pre-release videos released as teasers for the game. Various planets, star systems, elements, and creatures were referenced in these videos, and have been logged as "pre-release" entries.

[ | ]

Pages tagged with the Pre-release banner and category were never present in the actual game, but are logged here for historical purposes.

Additional information[ | ]

Some planets, especially from the earlier builds, may have had certain objects added to them by hand.[1]

References[ | ]

  1. No Man’s Sky Data Mining Reveals Scripted E3 2015 Demo Assets, Half Life 2 Logo: (archived 15 August 2016, retrieved 2 October 2023)