No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the initial release.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 25 November, 2016.

Problem (Puzzle) is a game reference page.

Summary[ | ]

A problem or puzzle usually refers to the situation where a player has to make a choice based on the text on the right and the information on the left bottom screen.

Types of problems[ | ]

Type Description Likely Locations
Language Comprehension The information, in an alien language, will give you clues as to which options to choose. The more words the players learnt, the clearer the choice will be. Alien interactions, Monolith interactions
Arithmetic The puzzle is presented in a sequence of numbers with each subsequent number being a result of the same algorithm applied to the preceding number. The player needs to work out the algorithm and apply it to the last number in the presented sequence to get the answer.


  • Problem: 1 - 2 - 6 - 24 - 120 - ?
Answer: 720 (Algorithm applied: multiplying the preceding number by a counter that starts at 2 increases by 1 with each application of the formula: 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 3 = 6, 6 x 4 = 24, 24 x 5 = 120, 120 x 6 = 720)
  • Problem: 23 - 45 - 89 - 177 - ?
Answer: 353 (Algorithm applied: multiplying the preceding number by 2 and subtracting 1: 23 x 2 - 1 = 45, 45 x 2 - 1 = 89, 89 x 2 - 1 = 177, 177 x 2 - 1 = 353)
Transmission Tower
Digit order The puzzle is presented in a sequence of 4-digit numbers with each subsequent number being a result of one of the side digits in the previous number being removed from the number and appended back to the number from the other side. The side of the moved digit is constant for the whole sequence - either the leftmost or rightmost digit will be moved with each iteration. The player needs to work out the side of the moved digit, and apply the move to the last number in the presented sequence to get the answer.
  • Problem: 1234 - 2341 - 3412 - ?
Answer: 4123 (The moved digit is the leftmost one in this sequence. Take the last number: 3412, the leftmost digit is 3, removing it results in 412, now append 3 back to the other side - i.e. right-hand side to get the final answer of 4213)
Operational Information in alien language will tell you of something that is happening and players have to use the information given to make the correct choice. Example: A high temperature engine should be cooled down with coolant instead of removing the fuel immediately. Manufacturing Facility, Operations Centre

Successful Results[ | ]

Upon solving the problem, the player will receive an increased standing with the relevant sentient species (sometimes the standing with the opposing species will drop). Players may also receive resources, recipes, formulas or points of interest that players have yet to discover.
