No Man's Sky Wiki
No Man's Sky Wiki
The subject of this article is from the Prisms update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
Pulse Engine
Pulse Engine
Spaceflight propulsion, boosts and on-demand Pulse Jumps through local system.
Category Propulsion - Interplanetary
Type Starship Flight Booster
Recharged with Tritium or Pyrite
Updated Prisms

Pulse Engines are a type of ship propulsion built into all starships.

Summary[ | ]

The Pulse Engine is the part of the ship's propulsion system which powers all in-system flights, including travel between planets or moons within the same star system.

The Pulse Engine enables three states of starship travel: standard flight, with speed controllable using the forward and backward inputs; boosted flight, accelerated standard flight with reduced maneuverability; and Pulse Jump, in-system fast travel which disables turning entirely and draws from the Pulse Engine's fuel supply. The fuel tank of the Pulse Engine is sufficient for approximately 3 minutes of Pulse Jump time, during which an un-upgraded starship will travel approximately 4,000ks (4,000 thousand units distance)

The Pulse Engine's fuel supply is charged with Tritium (0.5%/unit) or Pyrite (2.5%/unit), so it's recommended to keep a supply of either one on board to recharge during a Pulse Jump. While in space, Tritium can be mined from asteroids. Note that Pulse Engine charge is only used during a Pulse Jump, and not for normal boosting.

If Pulse Engine is damaged by rough handling or enemy fire, the starship will be unable to fly until the technology is repaired using a Hermetic Seal and Carbon Nanotubes.

Description[ | ]

Spaceflight propulsion, boosts and on-demand Pulse Jumps through local system.

User is advised that Tritium is required to charge Pulse Engine. Tritium is abundant in near-space asteroid fields.

Hold [L1/LB] and [R1/RB] together or [SPACE] to engage Pulse Jump.

Hold [Circle/Shift/B] to initiate in-flight speed boost.

Speed[ | ]

Keep in mind that all values shown here are approximate and measured without any use of upgrades.

Atmosphere[ | ]

Before removing data such as this below, include a reason WHY it is being removed, and what replaces it.

A red "heat haze" can be seen around the edges of the starship when entering a planet's atmosphere. While inside the atmosphere, the average speed is 35u/s. The ship can be accelerated to reach up to 50u/s and can be braked to slow it down to 13u/s. The Boost can be engaged in planetary atmosphere to reach up to 150u/s.

When a ship is upgraded with 6 suspicious pulse engine modules of 20% boost and arranged perfectly, the minimum thrust speed is 129u/s, maximum thrust speed is 667 u/s and the maximum burn speed is 1066u/s.

Open space[ | ]

In order to exit into open space from a planet's atmosphere, the player starship must be in boosted flight and heading away from the planet's surface. While approaching open space from a planet's surface in this manner, the starship's speed will rise linearly from its atmosphere maximum, then suddenly double itself once the starship crosses into open space and finally increase to a boosted-flight maximum of 1,800u/s. If outside of the proximity of space stations and the atmosphere of planets, the Pulse Jump can be engaged by holding R1 and L1 on PS4, LB and RB on Xbox or Spacebar on PC, allowing to reach speeds in the realm of 20,000u/s (20ks/s).

While the player's starship is close to a space station, freighter or Space Fleet, its maximum speed is lowered to ~800u/s. If the starship is instead in close proximity to the Space Anomaly, its maximum speed is lowered to ~80u/s.

Bugs[ | ]

Currently, any Pulse Engine Upgrade that upgrades the regular boost by a specified amount will instead increase the maximum speedometer value in your starship cockpit but not increase your movement speed.

Crafting[ | ]

Pulse Engine can be repaired using the following ingredients:

Pulse Engine cannot be dismantled.

Upgrades[ | ]

Additional information[ | ]

Release history[ | ]

  • Release - part of the initial release of the game, could be repaired with Heridium, Zinc, and Carite Sheets. Charged with Thamium9
  • NEXT - repairs are no longer made to the entire engine, but to separate pieces. Now charged with the newly-implemented Tritium
  • Synthesis - Instability Drive and Sub-Light Amplifier added as upgrades.

Gallery[ | ]

Video[ | ]
